Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Redemption. IV

It was dark and cold as Scratch appeared and walked down out of the alley and back onto 42 street. He stared out in amazement at the lights and the movie marquees. Everything here was different. There wasn't any porn movies or sex shops. There was a Disney shop and a new wax museum. As he looked around, a fellow came out from one of the newly remodeled theater ringing a bell dressed as Santa. Scratch laughed, this guy  knew nothing really about Santa. This guy was begging for change. That was something the real Santa would never due. Especially now with Christmas so close. He was far to busy for that.
"Ho ho ho!!" He said as he rang the bell. "Merry Christmas!!"
Scratch gave him a mad look than flipped a small coin into the red pot the man set up beside him.
"Merry whatever." He said as he passed by. Moving on, again Scratch couldn't understand. He had a contract on this area. He didn't understand how it got so clean. It had to be that god damned new Mayor. There were no porn shops or porn theaters. No hookers or pimps. There was kids here playing. What a disguising thought. Times Square had always been the devils playground. The crotch of the world. His place. Every vice known could be found here. He saw no reason that should change. He would have to pay more attention to things outside of Hell more often.
But for now, he needed to handle this 42nd street thing, and that would mean putting the corruption back into New York City. There was one sure way to do that. He would have to open a new shop right here at 42nd and 8th. It would be a porn /needful things shop. A double porn shop. Nick smiled at the thought. With a snap of his fingers, the shop blinked into existence. It had a loud neon red and yellow sign with the shape of a naked girl on it. The front was all black with loud music and a bunch of homeless people out front handing out flyers. There was a flashing light and a girl in a bikini dancing on a pole. This was perfect. He thought. In a week he would open 4 more shops here on the same street. Drug dealers would move in and start selling their products. Things would start moving again in the right direction.
"You know I'll never let that happen." The man in the Santa suit said. "I just got 42nd cleaned up and you think I'll let you just move back in?"
"I don't see you have much of a choice, old man." Scratch smiled. "I have no contract for this area, you know that."
"Things change." Santa said with a loud HO HO HO!! "Look around. Your people aren't even here anymore."
"They'll be back." Scratch said. "Give me a week and I'll have it business as usual."
"No." Santa said. "I'll give you 24 hours. You will have to re corrupt 42nd street all over again."
"That sounds like a challenge." Scratch said as he lit up one of his Cigars and blew out a cloud of smoke.