Sunday, December 4, 2016

Redemption II.

Well, it’s that time of years again. Its Christmas the season of joy and goodwill. I mean joy for some of us. For me it’s something different. My name is Jason Stockard and I have a tale for you. Christmas lately has been pretty depressing for me. Don’t get me wrong, as a kid I use to love Christmas. I would walk the dog and make my list and mail it to the North Pole every year. I tried to be good, but sometimes like all of my friends, I’d screw up and get in some kinda trouble. But during September through December, I was a poster child for good behavior. I even went Christmas caroling which my friends all frowned upon. One year I worked a clothing drive for our local Salvation Army. My mother said I was over doing it but, what the heck, It had been fun and it was for a good cause. 
As I got older it changed. I guess at around 12 I stopped believing in Santa Claus and Christmas. That year my parents died in a plane crash and I was sent to live with my Aunt Fran. I loved my aunt Fran, but at that time in my life, I was a hand full. We use to sneak beer from a friends dad and get blasted. One weekend I got so drunk, I woke up in the park with no pants on. That one was tough to explain to the police that found me. Aunt Fran was so disappointed in me, she barely talked with me for almost two weeks after that one.
After that, you would think I’d calm down and change my behavior. But not me. No sir not me. I cared more about my drinking and not getting caught. High school for me was crazy. Yeah I did well in my classes but my behavior was off the wall. I started treating Aunt Fran really rudely. Now that I’m looking back, I can't see how she put up with me, I got toasted almost every weekend. I know she had to carry me in and put me to bed more then I’d like to admit. I would apologize of course but be right back in the bottle the next week.
Somehow I managed to get accepted at Rutgers University. I did OK there. I pledged Kappa Iota Pi and tried my best to stay on the straight and narrow. I was doing well until the night I saw the most beautiful blonde I’d ever seen in my life. I nudged a friend and found out who she was and that she was new here at Rutgers. She was a sociology student here to finish her Bachelor’s degree. She was here tonight with a few of her sisters from the Delta Lamda house. It took me more than an hour to work up the courage to approach one of her sisters to get an introduction.
I stood and watched from the other side of the room as Cara approached and whispered in her ear, all the sound in the room for me stopped. All the music, the talking and laughter for me stopped. All I heard was a buzzing in my ears as she turned, smiled and waved at me. I put down my beer and pushed my way through the crown to go and say hi. Right there and then, I know I had just met the girl I would love for the rest of my life.
For the next four years we dated on and off. We would break up and get right back together. It’s funny because no matter what we did, we couldn’t seem to stay apart. I guess we were meant to be together.
 After we graduated, we moved to a small town in Vermont. I got a job in the BMC bank as an associate, while Irena took a job teaching in one of the local middle schools. We were doing OK. The bills were getting paid, we ate out occasional and keep in touch with close friends and family. One night we were lying in bed, Irena was grading papers and I had just finished some paper work. I closed the folder and looked over at Irena. She looked so beautiful and innocent, I almost stared crying. At that moment I knew I couldn’t bear to live without her. I reached over and too the folder from her hand and told her I loved her. She smiled and kissed me saying she knew that. Then I asked her the most important of our lives. I asked her to marry me. She looked back at with those deep blue teary eyes and said yes. We made intense love that night. The most passionate ever. I didn’t know it but that was also the night Christopher Ryan Stockard was conceived.
Three months later we stood together in front of all of our friends and family and said our vows to be faithful and to love each other for the rest of our lives. There is one small detail I forgot. Our wedding day was on Christmas. Yeah it sure was. We had it at the city park in the evening during a lite snow storm. Everything looked so beautiful. The park was covered with the years first snow. There was white roses and carnations and lilies spread all around the altar we had brought in. I was dressed in a white tux with white over coat. Irena looked so beautiful coming down the aisle, it took my breath away and I completely froze up for a seconds.
As the minister spoke, I never took my eyes off of her. I was so lost in my loves eyes, I really didn’t hear much of what he was saying. Her smile was just so beautiful, I could’ve stood there forever. After the I do’s we were all off to the reception. It really was an amazing night that I will never forget.
OK, so finally we were married and off on our honeymoon which I don’t have to say was awesome. We did a week in Paris strolling around looking at museums, eating at little cafes, drinking wine and eating cheese. On our last night we spent the night at a little cafe at a table watching gondolas under moon lite. It was really romantic.
After we returned home, life went on at a pretty normal pace. Irena was pregnant so she stared getting bigger. She had the strangest of cravings. She turned into a Mexican food junkie. I was in every Mexican restaurant in Vermont. For 6 months it was either Mexican food or sardines in mustard. YUCK!!! She ate cases of the stuff. Sometimes I think I can still smell it.
Two months before Christopher was born, the bank transferred me to Stonington Maine. With the transfer, I also got a raise. I was to be the associate vice president of the office in Stonington. There was a pretty big party that night. Everything just seemed perfect for us. We bought a nice house which Irena loved decorating. I have to say she did a pretty good job. It wasn’t lavish at all. She stay on budget except for the baby’s room. There she went all out. But that was OK. As long as she was happy, I didn't
mind. Christopher Ryan was born on the 7th of June. You should’ve seen how nervous I was. I ran around that hospital like a lunatic. I even managed to get myself lost somewhere on the 5th floor. Don’t know how I did it since the Maternity ward was on the second floor. I ended up having one of the security guys escort me back down. I made it just in time for my son’s birth. You think I was nervous at the wedding? You should have been there when they put the baby in my arms. I swear he was the most beautiful baby ever born. I cried as I took him in to his mother. This was my family. All mine and I couldn’t believe how much I loved them. It was my job to provide for them and keep them safe
Three days later, we took Christopher home to a house full of friends and neighbors. Irena looked like a proud Queen showing off her new Prince for the first time. I have to admit, I was pretty proud to. He looked like angel sitting there in her arms. That day I swore nothing would ever hurt my family. Not if I can help it.
Days and weeks passed by and turned into years. We were all pretty happy. Christopher got bigger and bigger. I watched as he went from a baby to a toddler, then it was his first day at school. Irena and I packed him a little back pack and took him crying out to his first day of Kindergarten. I have to tell you it was hard watching him cry telling us he didn’t want to go. I just couldn’t convince him that it was only for a few hours. But I did it. I stood there with Irena and watched as he was taken inside and the doors were closed. That day I had taken the day off from work. I wanted to be there to pick him up when school was over. My boy had the biggest smile when he came running out of the playground. He grabbed me and held me as tight as he could. Again, I almost burst into tears right there.
That was his first day, after that it was a lot easier. It seems he liked school and made friends pretty easy. Over the years we were in Cub Scouts then the Boys Scouts. I had a ball taking Chris and his troops out for different activities. With my help and on his own, he received a lot of merit badges. I was really proud of the boy I raised. We had a pretty good life, until the third week of June in 2013. That was the day our lives went to hell.
June 17th started out just like e very other day. Irena woke me at 8am. I yawn and kissed her good morning, then went into the bathroom to do my morning business. I pissed, washed my hands. I brushed my teeth and was ready to take on the day. After leaving the bathroom I went to wake Chris up. As I stepped into his room, I looked down at him as he slept. I smile as I heard him snoring. I loved that boy so much, I hated to wake him, but he had school. Gently I shook him and called his name. He woke up and stretched as he looked up at me.
“Good morning Ducky.” I said. “Time to get up, you have school today.”
“Morning Dad.” He sat up and swung his legs over the bed. “Are you working today?”
“Yeah.” I said. “I have a meeting at 10 so if you want a ride you’d better get a move on.”
“Will you be busy all day?” He asked as he went and grabbed the clothes his mother had set out for him last night.
“Not really." I said as he started for his bathroom. “Why, is there something you need me to do?”
“The guys and I noticed that Shawn Kirby was going to be at the bookstore signing his book.”
“And?” I asked.
“Well. We need and adult to come with us.” I heard him say from the bathroom. “I told the guys you would do it.”
“Don’t you think you should ask me before you volunteer me to do something? I mean what If I was busy?”
“I didn’t tell them you’d do it.” He said. “I told them I would ask. Josh is asking his dad too.”
“If Mr. Bush can’t do it.” I said. “I guess I can take a few minutes. Besides there’s a new Adam Osbourne book out I want. This will give me a chance to browse the shelfs.”
“That’s great.” I heard the shower come on. “It’s after school. We’ll be waiting at the Gym.”
“You better hurry in there.”
“I will.”
I smiled as I left is room and went and showered. Irena was downstairs. I could smile the bacon cooking. It smelled good. I better hurry so I can eat.
As I undressed and stepped into the shower, I heard our door bell ring. I wondered who it could be this early. As I soaped myself up, I heard Irena calling my name.
“I’ll be right down.” I said as I stepped from the shower and dried myself off. I went into our room and put on clean underwear and a T-shirt and jeans. Today was going to be a casual day. I wanted to be comfortable. After slipping on a pair of running shoes I made my way downstairs.
As I walked down the stairs, I noticed the two police men standing in my foyer.
“Good morning.” I said. “What can I do for you?”
“Are you Jason Stockard of the BMC bank?” One of the officers asked
“Yes.” I said.  “What can I help you with?”
“You’re under arrest for bank fraud and grand theft. Please put your hands up.”
As one of the officers stepped behind me and put cuffs on, the other started reading me my rights.  Irena walked of the kitchen and saw this going on, she ran to my side. One of the officers strong armed her to keep her from interfering.
“What the hell is this about?” I asked. “Bank fraud? What bank?”
“You are the Jason Stockard from BMC bank. Correct?”
“Yes.” I said. “I work there.”
“This morning the president of the bank reported that there was a robbery last night. You were the last one there. It was your code that was put into the vault to open the door.”
“Dad!” Christopher called as he ran down the stairs. “What’s going on? Let my dad go!” Irena grabbed him before he got to me.
“Let me go Mom!” He cried. “We have to stop them!”
“No Chris!“ I said. “It’s ok. There’s been some kind of mistake. I’ll go with them and straighten this all out. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
That’s what I thought as they took my away. From the backseat of the squad car, I watched my family as they took me away.
That was the beginning of three years hell. When we go to the station, I was official booked. They took my photo and my prints placed me in a cell. I was there for two days until my arraignment and I pleaded not guilty to the crime. Thankfully my bail wasn’t too high and my lawyer was able to get me out.
Don’t ask me how, but the night before someone used my vault code to take $50.000 from out of the back. I was fired and arrested for the theft. As I worked into the bank after my release, no one would look at me. They all thought I had done it. I made my way to my office and found it locked. From there I went to the bank president’s office to try and get some answers. Before I could get there, bank security stopped me and handed me all my personal things and I was asked to leave.
That was two years ago. Since then everything went downhill. Since the only proof they had was my code being used, the bank dropped all the charges. But my life was ruined. I was fired and couldn’t get a job anywhere. From that day on people treat me like a criminal. I lost all my friends, Chris’s school asked that we remove him and place him somewhere else. He lost all his friends, none of the parents wanted their child to associate with us. Day by day I could see the anger and depression moving in on him. He know I didn’t steal the money, but we were still treated like outcasts. Luckily, Irena was about to keep her job, but it wasn’t enough to pay the bills and keep up with the mortgage. We lost the house and had to move into a small apartment on the west said of town. Every day I was out job hunting, but where do you go when everyone thinks you’re a crook? I couldn’t even get a job mopping floors at a Mc Donald’s. It was getting that bad.
A few weeks ago I was waiting for word after another dismal interview when I looked out the window and saw my car being towed away. FUCK! I thought to myself. I put $2.00 worth of change in the meter, I can’t believe this was happening. I jumped up and ran the door just as the tow truck was driving away. Could my luck get any worse?
Then I heard someone behind me call my name. It was the personal manager that I had been waiting for and he didn’t have a very nice smile on his face.
“I’m sorry Mr. Stockard but we don’t have anything for you. We’ll give you a call if anything opens up. Have a nice day.”
As he turned to go back to his office, I saw him drop my application in a waste basket.
With a sad face I turned and headed out the exit. I had to keep trying. After all, it can’t rain every day. Sooner or later the sun has to come out, right?
As I walked away, it started to rain. Damn it! I had an umbrella, but it was in the back seat of the car that was towed away. As I looked up at the gray stormy cloud, I screamed out in my head.
“Can it possibly get any worse?”
That’s when I heard the horn as a car ran right into me and knocked me back off my feet and into the park bushes and I saw stars.
It was dark when I woke up. There wasn’t much traffic on the streets. I sat up and shook my head to clear away the cobwebs. Where was I and what was I doing laying here in the wet grass? Then I remembered what had happened and where I was. I had been hit a car and knocked out flat. As I looked up at the gray clouds, I wished it had killed me. Then Irena and Chris would at least get the $75.000 from my life insurance.
Down and depressed, I made my way north from the park and into the city. I was getting desperate. Somewhere he in this city, there had to be a job for him. He would take anything. He didn’t mind mopping floors or washing dishes. Anything would do.
As I walked, my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking more about the bills that were piling up then where I was going. The next month’s rent, the power and water bills. Thank god they didn’t have cable anymore. That was a $200 problem he didn’t miss at all. Through Chris did. He had walked in last night and saw him lying there in front of the old flat screen looking depressed. I apologized to him and told him I would try getting it back on next month. He smiled and said it was OK and that he could do without it. Sadly I turned and went back to the front porch to wait for Irena to return from the food pantry. Once a month, either me or Irena would go out to the four charity food programs to bring back what groceries we could gather.
As I stepped off the curb, a tan Grand Prix shapely made the turn and for the second time today, I was almost hit and knocked back down on my ass. The driver screamed out the window for me to watch where I was going. Yeah, sure I thought not that it really mattered. Maybe death would be a good thing for my family. It would pay the bills and give Irena and Chris a chance to have a better life.
As I walked past a brightly lit porn shop, a man dressed in a dark Zoot suit stepped out to block my way. I said excuse me and tried to walk around him when he held out his to stop me. Confused, I looked up at the shape dressed man as he smiled and took of his hat and bowed to me.
“Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste.”
“Huh?” I stared at him confused.
“Sorry.” He said. “It’s just an old joke. My name is Scratch, Nicolas Scratch and I think you’ve been looking for me.”
“I’m sorry.” I said. “You’re who?”
“I’m the man you’ve been looking for.” He said. “I’m the answer to all your problems.”
I looked at him closer. He was dressed in an Immaculate black suit and white suit with shoes that shined some much they were like mirrors.
On his head he wore a black fedora with a long pheasant feather trailing behind him. I have to admit he looked shape in that suit as swung his keys on the golden chain. But what did he want and how could he answer any of my problems?
“I think you have the wrong person.” I said as I stepped back to turn away.
“Jason Michael Stockard right?”
I nodded my head as my mouth dropped open in shock. He had a devious grin on his face like he knew everything.
“I’ve been watching you and your family for a long time. I was even there the day your son was born. Really cute kid I have to say.”
I can’t believe this. Whoever he is, he talks like he actually knows me.
“Excuse me Mr. Scratch.” I said. “But are you telling me you’ve been watching me and my family?”
“Yes.” He said. “I knew this day would come and you would need my help. So here I am, ready to give all that you think you deserve. The job, the money, the respect of others. I can even tell you who it was that set up for the bank robbery. I knew you’d like that.”
I looked at the slick smooth operator. He smiled at me as I watched the flames dance in his eyes. I could almost feel the heat from where I was standing.
“And what do you want for your help?” I asked.
“Nothing really” He said. “I’ll give you three things. I’ll make you a success, you’ll have riches beyond belief, and you’ll be famous. For these three things, all I want is your soul.”
At that moment I knew exactly who it was that I was talking to. This shape man standing in front of offering me the world was the Devil. Satan, Diablo, Lucifer the fallen angel and the master of hell. I took a step back as he through back his head started laughing.
“The master of hell?” he reached into his lapel pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He took one out of the pack and put in his mouth. With a snap of his finger, the end burst into flames. With a wink at me he took a drag and blew the smoke out.
“Now as I was saying. I’m prepared to give you all you life’s dreams and all I want is your soul. It’s such a small thing. It’s nothing really. What do you say?”
For a minute, I thought about it. This would solve all my problems. Irena wouldn’t have to work so hard. Chris could get back into Excelsior Prep with his friend. It’ll be like nothing had ever happened. I could even be the president of the BMC bank.
“You should think higher than that.” He said. “You could own that bank if you want. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.”
In a flash, there was a roll of parchment paper in his hand. He held it out to me along with a pen. As I reached for it, I suddenly felt the chill of a cold gust of wind.
“Stop right there!!” A voice said. “Do not sign that!”
As I dropped the contract, an older gentleman dressed in red stepped between us. Mr. Scratch looked and him and rolled his eyes in frustration.
“Oh no!” Scratch said. “Not you!”
“Yes you dirty old thief.” The gentleman said. “It’s me here, and I’m here to stop you from taking another innocent soul under your hellish wing.”
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You don’t remember?” He looked at me with surprise in his eyes. “We were such good friends when you were a kid. You sent me all those letters and never once did I slip up and bring the wrong gift. You always got what you wanted. I’m one of your oldest friends. I’m Santa Claus”
“What?” I looked at him confused. He frown and stepped in closer.
“Look around you.” He said raising his hands. “Don’t you know what season it is? It’s Christmas. The time for good cheer and peace on Earth.”
“Oh go blow it out your hole!” Scratch said with an annoyed look. “There is no peace on Earth. You grab what you can and kick the other guy out of your way.”
“Is that how you feel Jason?” He looked at me over his spectacles.
“That’s not the same boy that caroled for three years and worked so hard at the clothing drives. I know the real you. The passionate one.”
“Santa Claus?” I said in surprise. “Is this real? Are either of you really here or am I just having a dream?”
“Sign this and nothing he says will matter.” Scratch held out the contract. “You can be the king of your own world.”
“And what about his family?” Santa said. “Will you take care of them too? Will you grant Irena and Chris their wishes to?”
“Sure I will.” Scratch said. “All they have to do is sign with me and they can be kings and queens too. They can have any dream they want. For a price.”
“Yes.” Santa said to me. “Any dream the want until the contract is due. Then you all go to hell. Is that what you want for your family? To suffer with them in hell. Don’t you think they deserve better?”
I looked at the contract in my hand. It was so tempting. If I sign I can write my own ticket. I could own an airline, or a string of banks. I could be the richest man in the world. Then I looked into Santa’s blue eyes. I saw Irena and Chris in a firer cavern naked being raped by Demons.
“It doesn’t matter. Scratch whispered in his ear. “It’s all going to happen anyway. Why not enjoy it while you can.”
“Noooooo!!” I threw the contract in Scratch’s face. “You can’t have them! That’s my family and I have to protect them! Take you contract and go to hell!!”
As I screamed at him, Scratch started to change. He went from the slick dressed man in the zoot suit, to a demon with horns, a forked tail and hooves. Behind him I saw the cavern of fire and tortured souls. I could feel the flames of hell blasting heat at my face. It looked like Scratch was going to take us down to his blasted hole radiating out at me. Just then, Santa came and stepped in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. Suddenly I knew everything would be alright.
“You’ve lost another one Scratch.” Santa said as he pushed me behind him to keep me safe. “Why don’t you just give up and go back to your dark, dirty underworld were you belong. There’s nothing for you here. You will never stand against the Christmas spirit.
“I’ll go.” Scratch said frowning. “But I’ll be back. There’s a great big world out there and you can’t protect them all!”
In a great flash of fire and smoke, Mr. Scratch vanished leaving nothing behind except the echoing sound of his laughter.
With Scratch gone, I turned to Santa with big sad eyes. If he hadn’t stopped me, I would have signed his contract.
“No.” Santa said with a smile. “I know you were tempted, but you would have thought of your family and that would have stopped you. You don't have an evil bone in your body.”
“No.” I said. “Not evil, but I am a pathetic loser who can’t even keep a job to fed his family.”
“No." Santa said as he patted me on the shoulder. “Losing you job wasn't your fault, Scratch took it from you. But moving on is up to you. What you do from here on is your choice. You just need a little help from a friend.”
He stuck his hand into a pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to me. I took it and read the name on it.

Mark T Randle and associates.
Employment Services.
555 675 2112.
Stonington Maine.

“This is a friend of mine.” Santa said. “You can trust him. He’ll give you a fair shake.”
“I don’t know how to thank you.” I said through tears of joy. “I won’t let you down.”
“I’m not worried at all.” He said as he started to fade away as he backed away into the storm. “Just tell Mark I sent you. And one more thing.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What lurks in the Dark.


It was dark on the streets of Lamrissa as a dark figure crept from shadow to shadow trying to avoid the attention of the red armored guards of the Zygerrian empire. He looked left, then right to be sure there was no one following him, then moved on down the road. His objective tonight was the royal palace. There was someone there that it was very important he see tonight.
As he left his shadowy corner, he looked up at the two blood red moons that hung high up in the sky. He flexed his arms and pulled his cloak closer to him as he slipped out and started on his way. From the corner behind him, two red armored guards came slowly walking out of the darkness.
"STOP!!" Called the first trooper. "By the order of the Zygerrian Order! Do not move!"
The hood figure turned slowly as they came up behind him and calmly stared back at the two troopers. He had no fear of the two weak minded troopers who stood before him with their weapons raised and pointed at him. Instead he raised his hand and spoke one single word.
In seconds the two troopers eyes closed and they fell unconscious to the ground. Flipping back his hood, he walked over to the them and bent down and touched their heads.
"Where can I find Devdan Steros, the Zygerrian first prime?" He asked.
"First prime Steros is in the main hall in the palace coordinating the attack on the Metune IV."
"I have business to discuss with your so called Emperor." He said calmly. "You will escort me in to see him."
"Yes." The trooper said then they stood up and shouldered their weapons and turned to head out of the city and into toward the imperial compound. Pulling his hood back up to cover his face, the dark man followed them. They walked down through the dark and quiet streets pass closed taverns and empty shops. Lamrissa was once the gem of the Caperrian system where almost any item one was looking for could be found in their never closing market place. Anything from the fabled horn of the savage Abenites to the leafs of the sweet Boxelder plants for tea. But now with the Zygerrian empire in charge, things were different. High taxes and the constant and close watch the empire had on the market had cost many of the more exotic venders to close down and run. That left only food and a few necessary shops like the blacksmith and medicinal hutches open for business. The space port which once had the capacity to hold and direct hundreds of ship now housed only ships from the imperial fleet and those high in the empires favor. There were a few Costian yachts and several ships that had been confiscated and put into imperial service. Now Zygerrians were the masters here and all through the zelta quadrant. But that may change sometime in the near future.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


It was a hot and humid night in the Florida Everglades. The frogs sang their nightly song while crickets danced and chirping in the background. The moon was full and the heavens was lit up sparkling with bright stars. There was a 12-foot alligator swimming his way through the warm water looking for its next meal. He was a quiet hunter able to stay in one spot and wait hoping his prey would come down to the water’s edge for a drink. With just his eyes and nose above the water, the alligator watched as a huge swamp pig crept down for its nightly drink. Slowly without making a sound, the alligator pushed himself off. He hadn’t eaten in over two weeks and the pig would make the perfect meal.
Using only his tail, he steered his way closer to his unsuspecting prey. It stepped down into the water and took a quick taste. It was cool and delicious. The pig bent down and started lapping quickly at the water. He know it was dangerous here and one of the big things might be there in any minute. So he drank fast, hoping he wouldn't be interrupted.
Slowly using just his tail, the alligator inched toward the pig. He had to be careful. Any sudden splash or noise would alert the pig to his presence, and it could bolt away. As the moved in closer, he could smell the scent of the pig. Right now it had no fear, it was just thirsty and content just to get its fill of fresh water.
Foot by foot, inch by inch the alligator moved in. Its heart was pumping blood giving it strength to strike when the time was right. The pigs scent filled alligators nose driving it crazy with hunger. Then suddenly the pig felt something and it jerked its head up out of the water. At that moment, the alligator leaped up out of the water and snapped its jaws closed on the pig. It squealed in fright as it was pulled into the water and the alligator started its roll. The taste of its blood drove the alligator on as it rolled and drown the pig. Once its dinner was dead, the alligator took it out into the water where it planned to hide the body for a late night dinner. 
After hiding the pig, the alligator came back up to relax. It thought it might catch a few fish while it waited for the pig to ripen. Suddenly there was a big flash in the sky. The alligator gazed up and saw a small bright ball hurtling down out of the stars towards him. Diving down, the alligator sped out of the way trying to keep from being hit by the falling fireball. With a great boom it crashed into the water leaving a smoking trail behind it. Spilling back to the surface, the alligator watch the glowing ball from a distance. The water bubbled and boiled as a noxious smell seeped out and filled the air. Disgusted by curious, the alligator moved in to investigate the glowing thing in the water. This was his territory, his hunting ground. He wanted to make sure whatever the ball was, it wasn't a threat to his feeding ground. 
Diving down, it swam deep to the bottom and circled the small ball of light. The alligator gazed at it as he swam by. It throbbed with an almost hypnotic light. He thought it was beautiful, not like something to eat. Something different. Something he had to touch. 
Swimming closer, the alligator made a closer pass. The ball was making a strange humming noise. The alligator could clearly hear it. It was like it was calling out to him. Begging to be touched and held. Unable to resist any longer, he swam over and nudged it with his nose. The sound his nose made contact, the alligators mind exploded. The ball cracked open and something spilled out and flowed into the nearest living creature, the Alligator.

On the bottom of the river, the alligator thrashed and spun as it fought for control of its own body and mind. Primal instinct fought back as the invader made connections one by one on all of the alligator synoptic and major systems. With each second, the alligator's fight became weaker and weaker. Soon the only thing left of the gator was its dark primal hunting instinct, and the invader already had plenty of that.
[I am free!] 

It was late in the afternoon in the small town of Arondale, New York when two men dressed in army fatigues entered the PMC bank and got in the withdrawal line. There were three others before them in line, so they waited looking nervously around. In the front sitting at a desk, a bored looking guard leafed through a Sports Illustrated magazine as he watched people go in and out of the bank. The first fatigued man looked at his friend and nodded to the guard. The second man slowly stepped out of line and walked to the table where all the banking forms were kept. He pulled out a deposit slip then looked toward the guard as he started filling it out. With a nod he let his friend know he was ready.
At that moment, four other fatigued men pushed their way into the back and pulled their weapons. The fatigued man in the front of the line leaped up on the counter and slammed his hands together causing a small sonic boom which rattled the windows and everyone in the bank.
"Everyone down on the floor! This is a robbery."
The fatigued man by the guard, sent a level one ice blast at the guard, chilling him to a temperature that knocked him out. Then he hurried to the door as the other went behind the counter and started gathering money.
"Anyone move and I'll shake this bank until it collapses!"
"Two minutes!" yelled the man at the door. "The quake will have the cops here in less than five minutes."
"Who cares about cops." laughed one man as he stuffed his bag from a tellers money draw. "We have you two here if they show up. You can take down any cops that show up."
"It's not cops we should worry about." the first man said. "One minute and we're out of here."
Grabbing the last hand full of money, they all jumped up over the counter and ran for the door. Once outside, a van pulled up and they all jumped in and took off into the city.
From the bank, they jumped on the freeway and headed down three exits to the Toddlan exit where they took a right and jumped of the freeway. Toddlan was a quiet little one horse town with gas station, a fix it shop and quaint main street with dress shops antique shops and a barber and a hair dresser salon. Other then that, it was all homes and farms and country roads. 
In the van they were all slapping each other on the back with congratulation for a good job. Everyone except the two with augmented abilities. These two weren't sure they had made a clean getaway. Neither of them had seen any sign of pursuit, but the robbery had gone too smooth. It had been to easy and that made them both nervous.
As they pulled up to the small farm house where they had done all the planning, everyone climbed out of the van carried the bags into the house.
"WE DID IT!!" Carl Roberson said as he high fived Art Tucker. "That was so easy, we should've hit another one while we were out."
"How much do you think we got?" Pete McNair asked. He grabbed a bag and poured the money out on the table. Wrapped stacks of hundred dollar bills poured out and spilled on to the floor. Art did a dance around the table. He had never seen so much money in his life.
"Settle down." Louis Linder shouted. "This ain't over yet. We can still be tracked."
"By who?" Art laughed. "No one saw a thing. We got away clean!"
"I wouldn't say that." said a voice from the living room. Grabbing their guns, the five turned to find a tall red haired man standing at the door dressed all in black ACU pants and a black t-shirt with a two inch web nylon belt to hold various pieces of equipment. He had black combat boots and a black beret with two gauntlets strapped to his wrist.
"Who are you?" Carl asked as he held his gun on him.
"I'm here to bring you in." the man said with a smile. "You didn't really think you could just walk into a bank and take what you want, did you?"
"Who is this joker?"Art asked.
"He's Strikeforce." Louis said holding out his vibrating hands. "I hear you're suppose to be tough. But are you tough enough to take on all of us? I'm pretty tough myself, so is Coldfront there."
"And who are you?" Strikeforce asked. He folded his arms impatiently.
"I'm called Quake." he said. "I'm the one that is gonna take down the mighty Strikeforce."
Strikeforce laughed at that statement. 
"I guess you're going to get your chance. But before you do, I have to inform you that you're all under arrest. You all have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you. You the the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, which I doubt you can, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these right?" 
"I'm sure you do." Strikeforce laughed. He took off his beret and placed it in his belt and looked at Quake. "Anytime you're ready."

"Kill him!"
The three combat fatigued men pulled semi automatic Mac 10's and unloaded at Strikeforce. The bullets ripped in hitting him in his chest and bounced off as if they had been fired at steel armor. Strikeforce raised a gloved hand and reached to his side and took an 8 inch long metal baton from his belt. With a quick flip, it extended out to 2 feet and he was ready to fight. 
Leaping forward, He swung out batting the gun from one man's hand as he kicked out and at the gunman next to him. Swinging around, Strikeforce grabbed a third man and threw him back out through a window. The two fatigued men left looked at their two downed comrades and knew they were useless in this fight. They dropped their guns and ran for the door.
"Come back here!!" Quake yelled.
"Let them go." Coldfront said with a smile. "We can take him."
Coldfront raised his hands and summoned his icy energy to his fist. As he moved toward Strikeforce, he sent a blast of ice at him. Strikeforce raised his arm letting the blast hit his gauntlets and bounce off. It sent a freezing chill up his arm. As Strikeforce shook it off, Quake hit him with a wave of heavy vibrations. As the pulsating tremors hit him, Strikeforce was forced down off his feet. He could feel every inch of his massive body shake with tremendous force. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself up to his knees. He open his eyes and saw Coldfront advancing from the other side with his glowing hands reaching for him. Strikeforce struggled to get to his feet, but the shuddering quakes pounding his were too strong. He knew he would eventually get up, but he wasn't sure if he could do it before Coldfront reached him.
"We got him!!" Coldfront said. "Hold him for just another second and I'll send his organs into the deep freeze."
Strikeforce could feel his frigid aura as Coldfront moved closer. He tried again to move but the vibrations kept him pinned down on his knees. Coldfront cackled as he reached down for him.
"I could use a hand here!" he yelled as he lifted his head. Suddenly a shadow stepped out of the wall and grabbed Coldfront's hand. He took the hand forced it back and away from Strikeforce.
"Sorry Boss." Shade said as he hovered in the air holding Coldfront. "I was kinda busy for a moment outside wrapped up your throw away's."
Coldfront fought and struggled to free himself from the iron grip of the shadow man holding on to him. He twisted and tried to kick out at Shade trying to shake himself loose, but it was impossible. Seeing Coldfront in trouble, Quake sent out a wave of vibrations at Shade hoping to disrupt his ghost like molecules and break his partner free. The second Strikeforce felt the gravity wave lift off his body, he reached out and grabbed a chair and threw it at Quake. As the chair hit him, Quake was knocked back and slammed into the wall. With astonishing speed, Strikeforce was up and on the augmented bank robber. One lite punch was all it took to incapacitate the gravity master and knock him out. With Quake down, Strikeforce turned to Shade and Coldfront. Shade had pulled him up to a level position so they faced each other. Coldfront grabbed onto him sending wave a icy power into the Shadow Augment.
Shade shivered then started to laugh as he absorbed the cold.
"Do you really think your cold can affect me?" Shade said pulling him closer to him.
I travel through the absolute cold of shadow everyday and you actually think your chill will bother me."
"Don't do it." Strikeforce said as he came over. "Just give him to me. That's an order."
"Yes sir." Shade passed Coldfront off to his leader. "Your going to jail instead of into my shadows."
Strikeforce to him and held him high off the ground with one arm.
"You don't scare me!" Coldfront shouted. "I can live in absolute zero. Your shadows are nothing."
Shade stopped and turned around staring at Coldfront with blazing blue eyes. He reached out and floated towards the insufferable thief.
"Let's see how cold your heart really is." Shade said as he placed his hand on Coldfront's bare arm. Suddenly all the warmth in his body was gone and Coldfront screamed out as his mind slipped down into the dark cold abyss that was the world of shadows. He heard the screams of the tortured souls and the horrifying beast that lived in the shadow world. Coldfront had been scared many times in his life, but there had never been fear like this before. As he opened his eyes, something came sliding towards him through the clouds of darkness. It was long with a body like a snake only much bigger. It had legs with long talons that looked strong enough to tear apart a concrete bunker and a face one could only imagine in their most horrible dreams. As saliva dropped from deadly fangs, the shadow creature lurched forward at Coldfront. He screamed and reared back trying to get away from the dark monster. He closer his eyes just as it opened its mouth to chomp down on him.
"Still think my shadows are nothing?"

Coldfront opened his eyes and looked up into Shade's shining eyes. He was back in the cabin with Shade and Strikeforce shaking in fear.
"W, was that real?" he asked as Strikeforce dropped him on the floor. Shade took out a pair of special handcuffs Mandriod had created for use on Augments and snapped them around Coldfront's wrist. Then touched a button on his belt to activate them.
"Just be glad all you got was a taste of shadow." Shade said as he hauled Coldfront up on his feet and pushed him towards the cabin door. 
"Our job here is done." Strikeforce said as he carried Quake's unconscious form out and dropped him next to Coldfront. "A Defender pick up team will be here for these two. I signaled the Sheriff for the others."
"Do we wait?" Shade asked.
"No." He dropped Quake's unconscious form out next to Coldfront and the others. "I have a Defender's pick up team on route. These two are going straight to lock down at Fort Niagara. The Sheriff is on his way for the others. You can head on back and get started on your mission report. I'll wait here just in case they have another Augment hiding out somewhere around here."
"Are you sure?" Shade asked. "I can stay and keep you company. The reports can wait."
"No, you go on and head back." Strikeforce tapped the communicator on his belt. "Mission control will be waiting, eager for that report that report. We don't want to disappoint them."
"OK." Shade stepped away from Strikeforce and lifted himself up into the air. "I guess I will see you back at the base. Be careful."
As Strikeforce watched Shade speed away, he smiled remembering the first time he had met him. A few years ago while stationed in New Mexico, Captain Shamus T. O'Muirus just back from a tour in Afghanistan, walked into the officers club of Fort Clinton. He was exhausted from the long trip home. It had been a hard tour. He couldn't get the memories of battle out of his mind. He saw friends and comrades die right in front of his face. Every night when he closed his eyes he had nightmares. Nightmares and memories of death and war. His most vivid dream, the one that always woke him up scream was about a small Afghani village. Shamus and a squad of Rangers has entered the village on a mission to rescue two men that had been taken hostage by Al Fahad, a group of radical fighters from up north in the Kasian mountains. There had been an intelligence report saying that the men were being held in a small house on the north end of Aswan. His orders were to take the village and get the hostages home. But the intelligence report that gave them the location was two days old. Shamus knew there was a chance that they had been moved, but his orders were to take the village anyway. They spent the night preparing. They crept in through the hills and by midnight they were just outside of the village ready to go.
At midnight, Shamus checked his watch, then gazed through the night vision glasses at a young boy as he came running out of the village towards their hiding place. As he came close to them, Sgt Ramos jumped up and grabbed him and pulled him down. As he sat there with a knife at his throat, the boy whispered one word. 

"You must be Robin." Shamus said. "Where are  they? Are they still here?"
"Yes." The boy said. "House at end."
Shamus looked down the road at the row of small huts. Three men patrolled the street outside of the house. Shamus pointed to the left then the right signaling his men to move out. Pvts Fischer and Jones  went left keeping low to the ground while Pvt Connor and Kent went to the right moving towards the front of the house. Faris, Banks and Carol were already stationed on the roofs across from the suspect house. They were to be their sniper support. Pvts Waters and Floyd were going in with Shamus. As Shamus and his men checked their gear and got ready to move out, the boy pulled a gun from under his shirt and clicked off its safety.
"I think five in house." He said. "More outside watch house. I go in first."
"No." Shamus said as he got up. "You stay here. We'll take  care of this ourselves. When you hear the shooting start, run. I don't want you getting mixed up and this."
"Me stay." He said. "Help you get to America."
"Go home kid." Shamus said. "You've done all you can. Go home and be safe."
"That." He pointed to a house down the road. It was burned out and in ruins. "That is home. No home no more."
Shamus looked at the burned ruins of his house. He was sorry but there wasn't anything he could to to help the boy. In a few he would be onto a new assignment who knows where. He couldn't do anything to help him. Shamuus reached into his pocket and took out a roll of Afghani bills pushed it at the boy.
"That this. Now go."

The boy thanked him then ran off and into the ruined village. Shamus stood and signaled his men to move out. With a flash of his flashlight he signaled the snipers to take out the men in the streets. One, two, three, whispered shots and the street was clear. With a wave, they were on their way down and into the village. One man watched the left as another watched the right with Shamus in the middle. As they passed the third house, an Afghani came out of an alley with his gun raised shoot. With the speed  of an assassin, a knife flew from Pvt Waters and went straight into the forehead of the Afghani. As they moved on getting closer to their target, three more Afghani's came out of the dark firing Russian AK-47's. Waters opened fire on then taking out two while Floyd kept watch on their rear guard. With all the gun fire out in the street, Shamus knew their cover was blown. Signaling the snipers to open fire on anything that moved, Shamus pushed on to his target house. Just as they reached the house before the target, an Afghani jumped of at them throwing two grenades right in front of them.
"Grenade!!" Shamus dived to the side behind a burned out truck just as they blow up. As they exploded, Shamus lifted his head to see a group of Afghanis charging out at them. As he got back on his feet he lifted his gun and opened fire sending a stream of lead out into the street. With the street clear, Shamus thought they hd a chance to get to the house to free the hostage.

"Faris, Banks." He shouted int the radio. "This is our chance. Get in there and get the hostages out."
"Its to late." Someone said over the radio. "Fischer and Jones are dead. The targets are not, I repeat. They are not in the house."
"Damn the CIA and there fucked up Intell." Sent as he slammed his fist down on the hood of the car leaving a huge dent. "Everybody abort. This mission is FUBAR. Bank's, radio for someone to pick us up at the rendezvous point."
"I can't Sir." Banks sent. "Faris and Jones are down and  the radio has been hit. I'm pinned down out here with no way to make it out."
"Calm down solider." Shamus said. "I'm coming in to get you."

"No Captain." He said. "Its to late for me. Please tell my family I love them."
Thats when the radio went dead. Shamus looked over to Sgt Ramos. They were the last to men in their squad and it wasn't  looking  good. Shamus wasn't worried about himself, has skin was bullet proof but Sgt Ramos wasn't as strong as he was.

"Sargent." Shamus said as he reloaded his gun. "This is it. Its only you and me. I can get us out of here but you have to stay on my six at all times. Do you understand?"
"No." Ramos said with a nervous. "But I'll trust you. Lets go."
As they stood up, they saw  three groups of Afghani's firing on them. One group to the left and and another firing from behind an old Toyota with a third shooting from up on the roofs.

Shamus and Ramos stepped out and sent a blast of gun fire all around them. Then Shams grabbed the old truck and threw to at the Afghani solider that were firing from the roofs. 
"Now! Shamus shouted. "Move out!!"
With Ramos right behind him, Shamus took off running out of the village while firing at anyone either of the saw popping out from cover. At the edge of town, they saw and old school bus. Safety would be right beyond that they thought. But as the got closer, Shamus someone throw something into the bus.
"Get down!!"
That was his last memory until he woke up in a MASH unit all alone. For week after week the dreams would wake him up shaking and sweating. The marines head sent him to therapy which calmed his trouble conscious but, it didn't stop the dreams. It just slowed them down so he didn't have them as often. It was in therapy that Shamus met Jefferson Patrick Reed, also known as Shade. Jefferson had issues in the army too but he was very loyal and looking for a way to serve that didn't have all the stiff rules and regulations. 
Like Shamus , Jefferson had abilities that he wanted kept quiet. Things he could do that wasn't exactly normal. Abilities the Army thought just might be useful. It was in therapy that Shamus first met Jefferson. Together with 6 other men they talked about their experiences in war. They all had horrendous experiences while serving the United States. Experiences that made them perfect for Project A.P.E.S.

                                              Advanced Protection Enforcement Squad.

Project A.P.E.S. is an advanced project run by all five branches of the United States military with the Army in command. Each branch of the services could have no more than two representatives active at any time. A.P.E.S. was created to combat a number of individuals and groups with unique and special abilities. Shamus O'Muirs was the first and the commander under General Franklin R Danzig. who answers to the only the President or his Chief of staff. Shamus specialty was ordnance, command and hand to hand combat. His near invulnerable skin, his speed, strength and endurance made him a natural for the post. Not to mention his patriotism and knowledge of tactics and battle strategy. Shamus had graduated among the first in his class at West Point with the rank of second lieutenant. He quickly rose in rank by way of his courage, strength and intelligence. Over the years he fought in many campaigns proving his dedication, confidence and heroics.

Jefferson Reed was the Army's second representative. Jefferson more of  hot head then Shamus. He loved action and was always the one that ran first into battle. He was good hearted and a very loyal friend. Jefferson's specialty was stealth. If there was a shadow, Jefferson could penetrate it. He could cloak himself and others in a shadow that no light could penetrate or he could make himself intangible leaving only a shadow visible.Jefferson tried to hide abilities from the Army and his friends but a drunken night at Kandahar airfield blew his secret right out of the water.
After that, Jefferson was transferred to a secret base somewhere in New Mexico where the army put him through a year lon
g testing program. They wanted to know exactly what he could do and how dangerous he was.  And that was where Shamus met his first member of the A.P.E.S project.

New story, stay tuned.


The night was cold and it was snowing as Mark Randle’s little truck made the turn into the small gas station in Stonington Maine and coughed up its last bit of life. He turned the key and stepped on the gas hoping to get it started one more time and make it home for Christmas, but all it did was make that choking noise. It was done, it had gone its last mile. He cursed and punched the dash board upset. He was having the most horrible day of a long string of bad days. He looked out and noticed the lights were still on in the station. Maybe this was finally a bit of luck.
Mark reached to his side and grabbed the brown bag and stuffed it in his jacket then pushed open the door and stepped out of the truck.
Out in front of the station sat a little old 1950 red ford truck. Mark smiled as he looked it over. It was clean and looked like it had been kept in good working order. Maybe his luck was changing. Quickly he put on a cap from his pocket and went to the door and stepped into the stations little.
Sitting at a desk covered with letters, an elderly heavy set man with white hair and a long white beard looked up as a bell announced Mark’s entrance.
“Merry Christmas my friend.” He smiles as he puffed on his pipe. “It’s freezing out there, why don’t you come in and have a cup of joe, its fresh.”
“Thank you.” Mark said rubbing his hands to warm them up. “It is cold out there. But I just need to use your phone if that’s ok.”
“Sure you can.” The jolly old man said. “But it won’t be working right now with this storm blowing out there. The lines here are terrible in the winter, but it’ll but working soon. Why not have some coffee or hot chocolate while you wait. I have those little marshmallows.”
Mark smiled. The office was warm and the old guy was nice. He had time, one cup can’t make couldn’t hurt. The bank would still be open in an hour.
“Tell me son.” The old man stood up and went to the little stove in the corner and poured him a cup of hot chocolate. “What brings you out in this storm?”
“Christmas shopping for my kid.” Mark said as he reached up and took the cup of chocolate. The old man dropped three marshmallows in his cup and sat back down with his pipe. “You know, last minute shopping.”
“Ho ho ho ho!!! Yes, I know all about that. As a matter of fact, I have something here that your little boy might like.”
The old man reached back behind his chair and into a red bag and pulled out a long red fire truck. He placed it on the table in front of Mark, then leaned back.
“Do you think Christopher would like that?”
It was beautiful. Just what Christopher had asked for though he didn’t have the money to get it for him. Had just recently lost his job for being caught drinking on the job. He had been out every day for the last 3 weeks looking, but he couldn’t find anything. He was desperate. It was almost rent time and they didn’t have much by way of food at their apartment and Shelly and Christopher would be home from her parent place tonight. What he  had in his jacket pocket was his only answer.
“I think he’ll love it.” Mark said. “But I can’t take this from you. You’ve been too nice to me. I should go.”
“Go where Mark.” The old man looked him deeply in his eyes. “Do you really think that’s the answer? Do you really think a gun is going to help in any way?”
Mark looked at the old man in shock. How did he know? Did he see it? Did he say Christopher? Did he just call me Mark? How does he know who I am? Who is this old man?
“If you leave here.” The old man tapped his pipe on the ashtray to empty it before he refilled it. “Someone will die in that bank and it will be by your hand. You will be caught and Shelly and Christopher will be devastated. A little boy and girl, the children of your victim, will lose their father and end up being taken by the state because their Grandparents are too old to care for them. The manager will have a heart attack and never be strong enough to walk or work again. You will destroy Christmas for three families, maybe more. All because you're down on your luck.”
Mark dropped the cup and stared at the old man. He didn’t know if he should believe him but in his heart, he knew it could all be true. He had never broken a law in his life, but what choice did he have? He couldn’t go home empty handed. He couldn’t face Shelly and Christopher as such a failure. Maybe he should just leave here and start walking and never look back.
“That’s no answer.” The old man shook his head. “Christopher needs you to teach him how to be a man. He needs you to teach how to love and treat people. You’re his hero, you’re his father. Shelly needs you too or she will grow old alone and sad. You are the key to so many lives and it will all happen in the next few minutes. If you make the right choice.”
Mark thought about the day he met Shelly and that spark he saw in her eyes. He knew the minute he had seen her that he would marry her. Then he thought of the day Christopher was born and how he had been so happy, he went out and ran and jumped and screamed in joy. He had almost been arrested for disturbing the peace, but the policeman understood and just congratulated him. No, he could never leave them. He loved them too much. There was only one thing he could do. Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out the bag with the gun and gave it to the old man.
“Ho, ho, ho, ho!!!!” The old man laughed. “I knew you would make the right choice. Now we just have to get you home. Here, take my keys to the truck. It’ll get you home.”
“Thank you so much.” Mark shook his hand. “I think you saved my life.”
The old man picked put the toy truck and handed it to Mark.
“Just tell your family Merry Christmas for me.” He said. “Now you get out of here and go home. Merry Christmas!!!”
Mark waved as he left the office. He felt like a million bucks. He looked back to see the old man waved and shut the office door and turn off the light. With the truck in his hand, Mark hurried to the red ford truck and got in. As he started the truck, he noticed a small bag on the seat next to him. He picked it up and opened. There was a sheet of paper on top. Mark turned on the dash board light and read it. It was the deed to the gas station with his name on it. Mark had to read it again to be sure he wasn’t imaging it. But there it was. Then he felt the bag and realized there was something else in it. He turned it over and emptied it on the seat. It was a stack of hundred dollar bills. Ten thousand dollars to be exact and a Christmas card. He opened it. It read Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. From your friend Nick. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Force Within.

The Force Within.

                          A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the Zygerrian Empire was in chaos as the Emperor descends into madness. Having lived so long with the dark side of the force, Emperor Achem Aldmos declared himself a god. Using the resources of the Empire and the power of the dark side, Emperor Achem ravaged many planets and took their resources for his own with no care for the starving populations of the planets.
With the Sith Lord Darth Sularr as his high priest, Emperor Achem ordered his forces to go out and establish his new religion. Everyone is ordered to worship and give praise to Emperor Achem. His rule is absolute and his word is the new commandment. Let all those who refuse his law beware the hand of the dark god Achem Aldmos.


As the first moon crept through the smoky skies of Kashyyyk, Nae’shail of Narrroll opened his eyes and moaned in pain. For a second he was confused, not sure where he was or what had happened to him. He tried to sit up and fell back feeling a searing pain run through his neck and back. He lifted his hand and felt a wet spot in the back of his red fur covered neck. Looking at his hand, he realized it was covered with blood. Moving slowly, Nae’shail sat up and gazed up at the burning wroshyr trees around him. That was when he remembered where he was and what had happened. The burning tree was Narrroll, the tree city his family lived in. Nae’shail had come home and found the city in flames and Zygerrian fighters overhead blasting down into the trees.
He had come home from a day of hunting in the trees to the east to find everything on fire. He dropped the Aviree’s he had caught and jumped into the closest branch heading for the city armory. From branch to branch he leaped dodging pulse fire and smoldering branch’s. As he landed on one branch, two troopers charged out firing at him. Nae’shail ripped loose a branch from the tree and hurled it at the troopers. The branch soared in and hit one trooper knocking him out of the tree as Nae’shail launched himself at the other trooper. He barrowed into him and smashed down with his fist crushing his helmet and breaking the troopers neck then diving to the next branch.
As he looked up to the network of walkways and bridges, Nae’shail saw a line of his fellow Wookiee’s being led up and into a Zygerrian slave ship. Male, female, young and old all cuffed while troopers stood guard. Slowly he inched his way higher toward the walkway. That was when he saw his sister and his uncle among the captives.
As a sudden pain ripped through his head, Nae’shail roared and reached out for the closest troopers. Nae’shail didn’t understand what was happening, but as he reached for the troopers, they lifted up into the air and started to float off of the walkway. Nae’shail was so surprised he almost fell off the branch he had been perched on. When he looked back up, the troopers were falling down through the tree screaming. As Nae’shail took his next step, a series of pulse beams shot out from the walkway. Two hit him and he fell plunging down and into a thicket of lower dense foliage where he passed out. When he woke up, the Empire ships were gone and so was everyone in Narrroll.
As he walked through the smoking ruins of Narrroll, Nae’shail kept a careful watch for any survivors. His family and everyone he knew was gone. If he had any hope to find them, he would need some clue as to where the Troopers had taken them. He picked his way through the burned out limbs and branch’s where the homes and shops of his neighbors had been dug out. He needed weapons, something he could use to fight with. He found many knives and hammers, picks and a few broken Bowcasters but so far nothing useful. With a loud moan he kicked out at a chair and launched it across the deck. As it banged into a pile of debris, he heard a weak moan. Grabbing one of the long knives, Nae’shail hurried over and started pulling pieces of broken furniture off the pile and tossing it aside until he uncovered a Human arm sticking out from under what was left of the roofing from a small shop. Nae’shail reached down and grabbed the piece of roof frame and with a great heave, he threw it over the side of the walkway.
Lying passed out on the deck, he found a young Human pilot his uncle had met off world. His name was Rein Daviron. Rein was of medium height for a Human. He had light hair and dark eyes and he was dressed in blue pants, white shirt and a dark vest. Uncle Chorrr had said he had met the Human years ago when they were both slaves in the spice mines of Kessel. Rein had help him free several Wookiee’s and they spent three years running and hiding from Slavers and bounty hunters. Eventually he returned them to Kashyyyk then headed off to his home planet of Clyria to look for his family.
Reaching in, Nae’shail very carefully lifted Rein out of the debris pile and tucked him under his arm and headed into Narrroll and finished his search. With Rein over his shoulder, Nae’shail swung down two levels to Uncle Chorrr’s workshop. There he laid Rein down and pushed his way through the door. Uncle Chorrr was a master weapons smith. He had been making Bowcasters and Crossbows for the clan for years. As Nae’shail looked around, he saw racks of crossbows and Bowcasters lining the wall along with all his tools. On his work bench, there was something different, a new weapon. Uncle called it a Crarun blaster. Nae’shail and Chorrr had always hated Bowcasters. They were so bulky and uncomfortable to carry that uncle had said he was working on something new and different. Something to do with the Crarun’s high pitched squeal. The Crarun is a huge leathery winged forest beast that cornered its prey and sent out a scream that battered its victim’s ears with sound waves that made the brain hemorrhage. Chorrr thought that if he could focus that sound, he could create a new weapon for the clan’s use.
Nae’shail picked it up weighing it in his hands. It was lite, less than half a meter in length, about a foot and half long. It was sleek with a small solar generator and battery with a tiny sound emitter in front. Nae’shail lifted it to his shoulder and pointed it a wroshyr nut hanging from a cluster outside the window. With a lite touch on the trigger, a pulse of sound shot out of the rifle through the window and blasted the cluster and a great portion of the tree limb to pieces.
[Minga!] Nae’shail thought as he looked wide eyed at the broken tree limb. The tree had about a 3-foot branch blown right off. He would have to set the levels lower to conserve power and keep from blasting people to bits.
With the rifle over his shoulder, Nae’shail collected anything else he could find in the workshop he thought he might need. Tools, food, and a picture of his mother, sister and uncle, then he collected the sleeping Rein and headed out into the trees to plan the impossible rescue.

A shrill scream in the night roused Rein from his sleep. He reached up and felt the bump in his head, then opened his eyes and found a small furry animal licking at the side of his face. Rein jumped up to push it away and almost fell from the bed of leaves he was lying on. Carefully sitting up, he looked out into the foliage of the wroshyr tree he was trapped in.
“What the hell is going on?”
Last thing he remembered was having lunch with Chorrr. They were sitting at his table enjoying the roasted Kalet Chorrr had made for Rein’s visit. Chorrr had just started craving into the wild bird when everything went black. What had happened? Where was he, he wondered, and where was Chorrr and the rest of the Wookiee village?
Grabbing hold to a branch, Rein carefully pulled himself up on his feet. Looking up into the upper branches, he saw it was getting dark. He could barely see any light coming through the treetops. Night time was a very dangerous time in the forest of Kashyyyk. There were things here in these trees that could kill him very easily. Rein reached to his side for his blaster pistol. He was relieved to find it was still there in its holster where it belonged.  Satisfied that he could protect himself, he took a looked over the edge of his little nest. It was a long way down if he fell.
His next question was how he had gotten there and how was he to get himself back to Narrroll or the space port. He couldn’t climb down. The surface of Kashyyyk was a place even the Wookiee’s wouldn’t go to. So what was he to do? He wasn’t equipped for swinging and climbing like a Wookiee and he had no idea which way to go if he could. The space port could be just through the trees, or hundreds of miles away.
As Rein stood on the edge of the nest, he saw he was standing on a branch that was at least ten feet wide and reached out far into the dark foliage of the tree. Rein walked out slowly watching the night for any sudden movement. To the left, something jumped off a branch and darted out away from him. All around him he could hear the sound of things moving above and beneath him.  He could hear the howl of the Crarun off in the distance. The growling of the Worawa and squeaking of the Tongi as they burrowed and hunted in the upper branches. The night was alive with predators all out hunting for the night’s prey.
Suddenly from overhead, Rein heard a great howl. He looked up just as a great mass of fur came flying down out the foliage. Rein dived to the side just in time to avoiding a swipe from a massive claw. He rolled to the edge of the branch then jumped up and reached for his blaster. As he pulled his blaster he looked up into the eyes of a snarling black furred Wookiee as it lunged at him. Thinking quickly, Rein ducked then dived between its legs and crawled as fast as he could as he tried to turn and bring his blaster up to fire. As the Wookiee turned, it slammed its fist down rattling the tree and knocking Rein’s blaster from his hand. As the blaster tumbled back, Rein lunged back trying to retrieve it before the Wookiee could attack. Just as Rein’s fingers touched the blaster, the Wookiee attacked.
As the Wookiee sprang at Rein, a great mass of red fur dropped from above and grabbed the Wookiee. Like two Hoth Snow bears, the two Wookiee’s wrestled howling at each other. They fell with the darker one on top then rolled howling right off the edge of the branch. Rein jumped up and watched as they went off the side. He heard branches breaking then a soft thud and series of barks, then the sound of something making its way back up into the tree. Diving back, Rein grabbed his blaster to be ready for the next attack. As he clicked the safety off his blaster, the red furred Wookiee came over the side of the nest. It hopped over, then sat and looked at him.

Rein and Nae’shail sat there and stared at each other. From his side, the Wookiee took out a water skin and held it out for Rein. Figuring the Wookiee meant no harm, since it hadn't attacked, he took it and drank deeply then passed it back. It was filled with graling juice. Very tasty. Next Nae’shail pulled out a napkin. As he unwrapped it, Rein saw it was filled with Wasaka berries. He passed it over to Rein who took it an ate a few then tried to pass it back. Nae’shail motioned for him to eat, so Rein finished them.
“You know I do understand Shyriiwook if you talk slowly.”
“You Understand?” Nae’shail crooned tilting his head.
“Yes.” Rein said. “You understand Standard?”
“Little, Uncle teach. You teach more. Get better.”
"Uncle?" Rein frowned. "You’re Chorrr’s nephew?"
"Yes." He nodded his red furry head. "Me Nae’shail."
"Where is Chorrr?"
"Captured." He moaned. "All captured. We save. Help please."
"Who took them?" Rein asked worried about his friend.
"Zygerria attack Narrroll." Nae’shail growled. "Many dead, many captured. Mmilllorro attack you. Think you attack Narrroll."
“Of course I’ll help.” Rein stood up and dropped the berries.  "But where did they take them? What could the Empire want with a village of Wookiee’s?"
“Not know.” Nae’shail shrugged. “Wookiee strong, smart, good fighter.”
"And that might be why the Empire wants them." Rein said. "Wookiee muscle power is greater than any other race in the galaxy. If the Empire can get them on their side the galaxy is in deep trouble"
"NO!!" Nae'shail barked and pounded his fist. "Wookiee not trader. Never work for Empire. Fight Empire!"
"I believe you my friend." Rein smiled. "Now how about we get out of this tree and down to the space port. We have a long journey ahead of us."

With Rein on his back, Nae'shail climbed higher in the tree to the tree crown where he had hidden a small two-man Tree skimmer. He popped the hatch and lifted Rein up into the copilot’s seat then hopped in. The Tree skimmer was a small hovercraft type vehicle popular on Kashyyyk carved by the Wookiee's for travelling long distances through the treetops of the Kashyyyk forest. Nae'shail had found it crashed in the ruins of Narrroll and repaired it knowing they would need transportation to get them to the space port. Once in, he made sure Rein was buckled in, then locked the hatch and climbed into the pilot’s seat and switched on the maglifts. With a thumbs up from Rein, he launched the skimmer on its way.
"Space port east." Nae'shail barked. "We stay low. No one see."
"Good idea." Rein said. "My ship is on the north end of the space port, if it's still there."
"Must warn others." Nae'shail grabbed a headset and put it on then started barking into the microphone. Seconds later, a series of howls and barks answered back. As Rein listened, Nae'shail seemed to be getting excited by what he heard. Whatever had been said really disturbed Nae'shail. He barked something then threw his headset across the cabin.
"Zygerria attack many trees." He said as he pushed forward on the throttle of the skimmer. "Take many captives. Wookiee fighting at space port. We hurry."

As they approached the space port, Rein saw Wookiee's charging into the ranks of Zygerrian troopers with Bowcasters and crossbows blazing. Troopers dropped one by one as Wookiee’s shrugged off blaster fire howling in rage. As the Wookiee's charged in they grabbed troopers and ripped into them tearing through their armor. Arms and legs flew as the furry giants tore their way through the space port. As the battle for the space port raged, surprised troopers hurried to man their fighters and get them into the air as Wookiee's blasted the air field from the trees. Tree skimmers streaked in to attack two lines of tank fighters that were parked on the edge of the air field. Troopers ran for carrier ships shooting blaster fire behind them as they ran.
"My ship is there!" Rein pointed.
Nae'shail quickly turned to head to Rein's CR90 Nova parked just off the northeast runway. Rein reached up and hit two buttons on the control device on his sleeve which triggered the ships engines to start and the hatch to open. Just as Nae'shail brought the skimmer in to land, a missile streaked down from a fighter and hit Rein's Nova. As they watched, the ship exploded sending burning debris flying everywhere.
"MY SHIP!!!"
Quickly Nae'shail turned the skimmer. There was a small Zygerrian slave ship parked just across from the hanger opposite where Rein's ship had been. There were four troopers hurrying to finish secure the last of their cargo. Nae'shail brought the skimmer down behind the hanger and grabbed his C blaster and leaped out. With Rein at his side, they slowly crept around the building with their blasters ready to fight. Nae'shail peeked around the corner, and was about to charge out when Rein grabbed his arm to stop him. Nae'shail turned back to see Rein stripping the armor off of a dead trooper.
"I have an idea that might get us closer." Rein said as he pulled off the trooper’s leg armor. "Call the others and have them distract that ship. But tell them not to damage it."
From his bag, Nae’shail pulled a small communicator. He keyed a quick series of numbers, then barked something into the microphone. Just as Nae'shail finished, Rein heard shots coming from around side of the hanger. Quickly donning the helmet, He sent out a message to the carrier ship.
"Captain Trigon to carrier 13854, come in"
"13854 here." Came the answer.
"What is your status?"
"We're taking fire and about to take off."
"Negative." Rein said. "I'm trapped with a captive behind the hanger to your left. Lay down suppression fire so I can join you! Do it now!"
"Quick, put these on." Rein handed him a pair of handcuffs. Nae'shail's eyes went wide. "You don't have to close them, just make it look like you’re my captive."
He grunted then snapped them around his wrist keeping them open. Rein took his C blaster and they were ready.
"Let's go."
As a group of Wookiee's hailed pulse fire all around them, Nae'shail ran towards the carrier ship with Rein right on his heels with a blaster to his back. From the slave ships ramp, the troopers returned fire giving Rein the chance to get to the ship. As he approached the ship, the troopers waved him on.
"Hurry Captain." A trooper yelled. "The cargo is all loaded and we're the last ship to leave. The Commander ordered fighters to escort us out of the system then to return and level this space port."
"Why?" Rein asked.
"He thinks the Wookiee's may have called for help." The trooper looked up at Nae'shail. "Commander Maedan wants all ships away from Kashyyyk before anyone can arrive so we aren't traced back to our base."
"Is everything ready to go?" Rein asked.
"Yes." He looked again at Nae'shail. "He's the last one. I'll put him in the cells with the rest of the slaves."
"That won't be necessary."
Rein pulled up his blaster and opened fire on the four troopers blasting them off their feet. Nae'shail howled and threw down the handcuffs and grabbed his C blaster and ran up the carrier ramp. Seconds later sonic pulses echoed through the ships halls as he finished of the carrier’s crew.
With the slave ships crew eliminated, Nae'shail and Rein freed all the Wookiee's from the cells and told them of the Zygerrians plan to return and destroy the space port. As the freed Wookiee's disembarked from the carrier, Mmilllorro stepped onto the ramp to speak with Nae'shail.
"Help is on the way here." Mmilllorro said. "Find out where they took our people and do what you can to free them. We will wait for your signal, then come with ships. Make us proud young Nae'shail."
"I will."
"What of the Human?" Mmilllorro asked. "Are you sure you can trust him?"
"Uncle trust him." Nae'shail said. "So yes, I trust him."
"Then safe journey to both of you." Mmilllorro raised his head and howled. "Your ancestors will be with you."
With a nodded to Rein, Mmilllorro walked down the ramp and away from the ship. Closing the ramp, Nae'shail and Rein headed to the bridge and started the lift off procedures and launched into the night skies of Kashyyyk.

Nimos III.

It was late as Lord Darth Sularr stepped down from his class 1 Z fighter. He was in a foul mood. He had been hunting Jedi when he received an order from Emperor Achem to go to Nimos III and deal with the opening of his new church there. As Achem's obedient apprentice, he didn't like the order, but he had no choice but to do as his master ordered.
From his X fighter, Sularr made his way through the Zygerrians private space port with his dark head held high. All the troopers snapped to attention as he passed. The Emperor had advised Sularr there was trouble on Nimos. The usually passive natives of the planet, didn't seem to like his new church and were causing trouble and resistance. Sularr was to go and pay them a visit and make a few examples. He was to showing them what the price of defying the Zygerrian Empire would be.
From the space port, Sularr ordered transportation to take him first to the church in Tadyn, then he would move on to the larger city of Wiran and the other church sites.

The inhabitants of Nimos III were of Human stock. They had come to the planet five or six generations ago an made the rich and fertile planet their home. They plowed the fields and planted crops that grew in abundance. They dug the mines that produced the minerals that made the Empire notice their planet. That was when the first ship of troopers arrived. For one hundred years the Zygerrian Empire his been raping and stripping the planet of its resources. The Nimossians would mine or grow it, and before they could sell it and ship it off planet, the Empire would come and take it away leaving them with barely enough to sustain the planet. Since they had no troops or army for protection, there wasn't much they could do about it. Except for one thing. Of all the inhabitants of Nimos III, there was one person who might possibly make a difference. A Jedi.

The sun had just risen over the eastern Polath mountains as Kylan Braden ran and ducked into the shadows to hide from the score of troopers chasing him. He had broken a major Zygerrian law. He had been caught out after curfew and that crime was punishable by death on sight. Zygerrian Empire laws meant little to him, he had bigger problems tonight.
Kylan had once been a warrior in the Jedi order. He was tall and handsome with his blond hair tied back. He had a very fit and muscular body for all his years of training. He fought many battles including the Jedi-Zygerrian conflict to end the slave trade in the Republic. Afterwards he came home to rest and to try and leave all the thoughts of war and battles behind. Kylan was tired of fighting. For him right and wrong both meant the same thing. War. War for freedom or for domination and either way it all meant more death. Well he was sick and tired of death. He wanted to surround himself with love and nature for a change. He wanted to be near his family and the people he loved. He just wanted to be at home where it was peaceful and quiet and away from the Empire and the Jedi's and their wars. But it seems that just wasn't meant to be, at least not here on Nimos III.
While meditating in his small cabin in the forest outside of Tadyn, he had felt a sudden disturbance in the force. Not just any disturbance. What he was feeling from the force was a deep sense of fear and it was coming from his younger brother's daughter Ameria. As he concentrated, he realized it was not just fear, it was absolute panic. Something was wrong with Ameria.
Kylan jumped up and ran into his cabin and grabbed his cloak and lightsaber and ran to his shed where he had hidden his old jumpspeeder. He dragged it out and quickly checked the fuel cells to make sure they had a full charge. With the fuel cells checked and extras stored in the storage compartment, Kylan hopped on, adjusted his googles and hit the ignition to start the speeder. As the magnetic engines flared to life, Kylan gunned the repulsors and spun the jumpspeeder around and headed for his brother's farm.

It had been a beautiful day as Ameria Braden finished her shopping. Mother had sent her into town with a list of thing they were out of. The list included flour, eggs, bacon, sugar, oil and feed for the livestock. They needed paint, nails, a new recycler and shielding panels for the roof power grid that she could sneak in from town. It was going to be a busy day and she had to get this all done without being spotted by the Empire. With the family Hopper loaded and hidden in the forest, Ameria decided it was time she had a look around Tadyn, it had been months since any of her family had been to town. She closed her cloak and pulled the hood down to hide her face, then she headed down to see what had become of Tadyn.
What was once a quiet little friendly town was now more like a prisoner of war camp. The people walked around with their heads down afraid to look the troopers in the eyes and there were no children. Many of the shops that use to be open were closed. The bakery was gone, the flower shop was gone, there was only one food dispenser and tavern left in town. It seemed like all the joy had been taken away from Tadyn.
As she made her way through town, a strange klaxon siren started to blare startling her. Everyone on the street stopped what they were doing and turned to head west in the direction that the siren had come from. Ameria wanted to ask someone what the siren was about, but for some reason, she didn't think that was a good idea. Instead she decided to follow and see for herself what it was.
She followed them two blocks up to the old building once housed the church of the old Republic. Ameria's heart frozen when she saw the red armored troopers standing armed at the door. She stopped walking and tried to back away. Suddenly she felt a blaster against her back.
"Keep moving." The trooper pushed her forward. "You heard the siren. It's time for the Emperor's mass. Get in there!"
Scared out of her mind, Ameria kept walking. She wanted to turn and run but she knew the Trooper behind her would shoot her without question. Looking around she noticed the blank stares of the rest of the people. Something strange was going on inside the church of the Holy Zygerrian Empire, and Ameria was afraid to find out what it was.
The old church had been changed. Everything inside was red and there were rows and rows of blank eyed people waiting for the service to start. There was a weird blue skinned man dressed in black standing at the altar. Above his head on a huge red tapestry, Ameria saw the Imperial crest.
"Bow before the Emperor's altar and give yourself completely to him!" The blue man said as his eyes started to glow. "Your life is his. Surrender to Emperor Achem Aldmos!"
As Ameria stood there, she could feel herself getting weaker. She was getting sleepy. Somehow the strange blue skinned man was draining the energy from her body. It felt like her soul was being drained. She fell back onto the pew.
The blue man looked out and saw her fall. He smiled and started down at her. The girl was of average height with beautiful golden blond hair. She saw dressed in the same drab, plain clothes that the natives wore but there was something different about this one. Yeah, she was very pretty. More beautiful than any of the other native girls, but that wasn’t it. There was something in her eyes. A spark, a power. Sularr reached out with his mental sense to probe her and was surprised when he felt her chi. This girl it seemed had a deep connection with the force.  She might be just the one the Emperor was looking for. Sularr waved a Trooper over to grab her.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here!" He smiled as she was lifted up. "We have a very special sister here today and she is very strong with the force. The Emperor will want to meet you. Put her on my ship, the rest of this visit will have to wait."
At that exact moment, Ameria screamed out in her mind for help, and her uncle Kylan's eyes opened.

By the time Kylan reached the Braden farm, it was dark and the moon was high in the sky. He parked the Jumpspeeder and ran to the house. With a wave of his hand, the door opened and he hurried in. Sitting at his desk in the living room, his brother Orin jumped up surprised to see him.
“Kylan.” He said. “What are you doing here?”
“Where is she?”
“Who?” He asked looking around. “Maya? She’s in the kitchen making dinner.”
“No, I mean America. She’s in some kind of trouble. I can feel her fear. Where is she?”
“She went into town earlier was afternoon to go shopping.” Orin looked at his watch. “She should have been back by now.”
“You sent her to town alone?” Kylan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Orin, you know how dangerous that is. The Empire is in Tadyn, she’s not safe there alone.”
“Kylan.” Orin sat back down. “Relax, she’s a big girl and able to protect herself.”
“No.” Kylan put his hand to his temple. “I can feel her fear. She’s in trouble. Her mind is screaming for help. Take Maya and head for my cottage, you’ll be safe there. I’ll go find her and bring her back. Pack whatever you need. I think Nimos has become too dangerous for us to stay here.”
“Are you serious?”
“Do I sound like I’m joking?” Kylan took out a small communicator device and passed it to his brother. “Go pack. Get moving before it’s too late. Keep this communicator with you and I’ll message you once I find her.”
After handing over the comm and the key card, Kylan turned and hurried out of the farm house. He jumped back on the Jumpspeeder and headed down through the forest to look for his niece.

Using the force, Kylan focused his mind to trace the path she had taken into town. He parked the Jumpspeeder and donned his cloak and made his way into town to the hardware store where she had shopped. Her trail was strong and he followed it back and found the Hopper hidden in the forest with all the supplies she had purchased. From there the trail started to get stronger. With all his senses open, Kylan felt the presence of the Empire all around him. Then suddenly he felt something he wasn't expecting. As Kylan wandered through the shadows of Tadyn, he felt a presence that sent a chill though him. It was something he hadn't felt in many years. Something dark and powerful. He felt the presence of a Sith Lord. It seems that true evil had finally come to Tadyn.

From shadow to shadow, Kylan slipping all through the city. He made his way through Tadyn's dark streets avoiding all the Empire sentries. He passed trooper stationed near the town treasury and the vaults where Tadyn's crops and mining resources were stored. There he watched as droids loaded Empire hoppers to be taken back to their ships. It looks like there was going to be another year with barely enough to feed the people.
"This is wrong." Kylan said to himself. "So much greed. How can one with so much, care so little about the people he is starving?"
All the Emperor cared about was conquest and power. The next planet he would conquer, the next system he would raped and put down under his thumb. When would it stop? Would the people of the galaxy ever have peace? Would the Republic ever rise again?
Pulling shadows around him for cover, Kylan took off into the village. Ameria was out there somewhere and he had to find her.
From the village storage vaults, Kylan first checked the school where Ameria had friends. He probed the dark building and found it empty. As he turned to leave, a Empire patrol vehicle came speeding around the corner and caught Kylan in its spotlight. Kylan froze for a second covering his eyes from the glaring light.
"Halt!" blared from a loud speaker. "By order of the Empire you are under arrest for breaking the curfew! Do not move or we will open fire!"
With a wave of his hand, the spotlight exploded in a flash and Kylan disappeared into the shadows of the night leaving the trooper's blinded and confused.
"He's gone!" The Trooper commander shouted. "Everyone spread out and find him! I want him found immediately!"
Kylan ran down the alley and climbed a storm pipe to the top of a set of buildings. He jumped from one to the next using the force to keep himself from falling. As he moved along the roof tops, he felt for a trace of Ameria. He had last felt her at the hardware kiosk. After that he lost her until now. Now he felt something. She had passed here earlier. She had headed west towards the old Republic church.
Kylan looked down along the street to make sure there were no troopers then leaped down and headed out towards the church. What was once an old catholic style cathedral type church had been renovated by the Empire into a huge glass and steel like fortress. It had high towering steeples with intricate designs worked into it. At its center there was a tall dome of glass that stuck out like a sore thumb against the simple architecture of Nimoss.
As Kylan walked up to the door of the church, a trooper stepped out and pulled his blaster.
"Stop right there!" He said aiming the blaster at Kylan. "You shouldn't be out this late. You're under arrest!"
Kylan's eyes flashed as he waved his hand in the troopers face.
"I am not under arrest." He said. "And you will answer my questions."
"You’re not under arrest." He repeated as his eyes glazed over. "I will answer your questions."
"Who was the Sith Lord that was here?"
"His name is Darth Sularr." The Trooper answered.
"Why was he here?"
"The Emperor ordered him to reorganize his new church of the Holy Empire."
"Why does the Emperor want a church?" Kylan asked.
"To become a god."
That was crazy. Kylan thought. The Emperor may be a Sith Master be he would me mad to think himself a god. He must be insane and that would make him extremely dangerous. He wondered where Ameria could possibly fit in this madness.
"There was a girl here earlier." Kylan said. "A very pretty girl. What happened to her?"
"Lord Sularr took her away with him."
"Where did he go?" Kylan asked.
"He took her to his ship." He said. "He was taking her back to the Emperor."
"I have to find him." Kylan passed his hand over his eyes. "I need a small ship, where can I find one?"
"There are ships at the space port." His eyes closed as he dropped down to sit in front of the church doors.
"I was never here." Kylan said in a deep voice. "You will forget you ever saw me."
"You were never here." The Trooper got back on his feet to stand at attention at his post. Pulling his cloak close, Kylan backed away from the church and started down the street. As he turned the corner, a group of Trooper spotted him and he took off at a run for the space port.

So here he was, it was morning and Kylan had evaded the troopers search for him all night. He had made his way out of Tadyn and to the back fields beyond the Empire space port. The space port was busy with troopers and droids packing and loaded the cities resources into larger ships to be transported back to the Empire for relocation. Kylan had probed the space port, so he knew neither Darth Sularr or Ameria were here. He had already taken her aboard his ship and lifted off. That meant Kylan would have to discover where he had gone and follow after them.

With the sun rising, Rein and Nae'shail set down their carrier ship in one of the furthest landing spots on the Nimossian space port. Since this was a Human planet, Nae'shail couldn't disembark from the ship without being recognized. He had to trust Rein with their mission to locate the Wookie's and his family. Rein reassured Nae'shail that he would do his best and donned his helmet and walked off down the ramp.
"13874 to Space port control. Who is in command here?"
"I am." A voice answered. "Identify yourself and have your ship ready for inspection in ten minutes."
"And who are you?" Rein asked.
"I am Commander Hinemo Nalos." The radio buzzed. "Identify yourself trooper!"
"I am Captain Trigon of the emperor's Black Guard. Do you understand?"
There was silence for a minute before Commander Nalos came back.
"Yes." He said with a touch of fear in his voice. "I understand. What can I do for you Captain?"
"I would talk with you privately Commander."
Commander Nalos switched to a secure channel and radioed back to Rein.
"I'm in my office." He said. "This is a secure channel. How can I help you?"
"You can clear all these ships away from my ship." Rein said with authority. "Send droids to fuel my ship. If anyone asks, tell them I will be loading supplies and meet me at the hanger to my left immediately. I need some information."
"Yes sir." Commander Nalos answered. "Your orders will be carried out. I will meet you in ten minutes."
Rein smiled to himself at he turned left towards the hanger. Using the Black Guard had just come to him. The Black Guard was a secret dead squad that the Emperor used for special missions. No one would dare question a Black Guard order. They were known for making people disappeared in the night. He knew this commander would answer whatever questions he had without question.
As he walked to the hanger, Kylan kept a close eye on him. There was someone on the ship he had just left that sent a ripple through the force. It wasn't a dark feeling so he knew it wasn't Sularr on the ship. Whoever was on that ship, was sensitive to the Force and had an untrained mind. Kylan reached out to probe the ship.
"A Wookiee? How curious."
Moving closer to the door, Kylan slipped in and hid himself behind a pile of crates and watched as the two trooper entered the hanger. Rein walked in and stopped in front of a row of Hoppers. Commander Nalos walked in and took off his helmet and went to join Rein.
"Commander." Rein said. "I have a few questions I would like for you to answer."
"What can I help you with?" Commander Nalos looked Rein up and down. He was wearing the armor of senior ensign which didn't make sense. Why would an officer in the Black Guard disguise himself as an ensign? And what could he be hiding on that ship? As the Commander of this base, he should know about everything here.
"What is your status here on Nimoss III?"
"We are going from city to city collecting tributes from the people." Nalos said. "Crops, livestock, iron, gold and platinum. Anything the Empire might think is useful. These Nimossian are very good with technology. Like the Wookiee's they are very inventive and we can use them. The Emperor wants them taken back to work for him on a special project."
"You mean the Nimossian?"
"I mean both." Commander Nalos said as his hand slowly went down to his holster. "We invaded Kashyyyk first before we came to Nimoss III. We have resources from both planets on the ships en route now."
As Rein listened to Commander Nalos, a voice suddenly popped into his head.
[Beware, the commander is about to attack you!]
Kylan leaped out from his hiding place and slashed down with his light saber knocking the blaster from Nalos's hand just as a shot blasted out into the roof of the hanger. Rein jumped forward and hit the Commander with a punch to his stomach then two rights to his jaw. Nalos fell knocked out to the floor.
Rein looked up at the handsome man standing in front of him. Who was he? He couldn't be a trooper. He must be a Nimossian. Then he remember the voice in his head. A Jedi?
"Who the hell are you? Rein said as he pulled off his helmet.
"I'm the one that just saved your life." Kylan knelt down to check the Commanders pulse which was steady and strong. "Had I not been here, he was going to blow your brains out."
"Thank you?" Rein said. "But I had it handled. Now how do I get info from him? And again, who are you?"
"My name is Kylan Braden. I'm here looking for my niece. The Empire took her from their weird church. Why are you here? I know you're not a trooper, so why are you questioning an Zygerrian Empire Commander?"
"Because the Zygerrians took some friends of mine." Rein said. "And I want to get them back."
"Yes." Rein was surprised. "How did you know?"
"You got excited when the Commander mentioned Kashyyyk. And your friend on the ship. You might want to get him off the planet before your ship gets scanned."
"You are a Jedi." Rein smiled. "I'll make you a deal. You need a ship. We'll help you get to your niece if you'll help us free the Wookies. Maybe together we'll have a better chance against the Empire."
"What about him?" Rein gestured to the Commander on the floor. "What do we do with him?"
"Bring him." Kylan waved his hand and lifted the Commander up to a walking position. "He may be the only way we have to find out where they took our friends."
"You take his armor." Rein said. "They think I'm loading supplies, so we can load him on a small hopper and drive it onto my ship."
“I like the way you think” Kylan said as he undressed the commander and put on his armor. Together they hoisted his unconscious body and hid it in the hopper. “You think fast.”
“As a smuggler, I have to always think on my feet. You never what’s around the next corner and you have to be prepared for anything.”
“Now.” Rein jumped into the driver’s seat of the hopper. “Can you use your magic to convince the tower to let us take off?”
“It’s not magic.” Kylan told him as he took his place next to him. "The Force is an energy field that connects all living things in the galaxy. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."
"Sounds like magic to me." Rein shrugged. "Can you hokus pokus the tower?"
"No." he said, "I don't think I can reach that far or control that many minds. We'll have to use some of that fast thinking of yours."
"I'll think of something." Rein started the hopper and drove out of the hanger.
The Empire space port had once belonged to the Nimossians. For a small village, it was pretty big. It had been used to export ore shipments so it had room for huge cargo ships to land and load. At one point Tadyn's mines were producing a little under 18 million tons of iron and platinum in a year. There were fuel and water tanks situated near each hanger, When Rein saw them, he had an idea. He triggered a intercom to Kylan next to him.
"See those fuel tanks?"
"Yes." Kylan answered.
"If you can ignite one. It will give us enough cover to take off."
"Which one?" Kylan asked.
"The one over there close to my ship." Rein said. "I'll radio an emergency take off. They'll be to busy with the fire to think about us. Wait until we start up the ramp."
"You do think fast." Kylan laughed.
As they drove to the ship they listened to chatter on the radio. From the reports in Tadyn, they were still searching for the man that had been seen roaming the streets the night before. The search was about to be moved to the space port area.
"Would that be you?" Rein asked.
"Don't worry." He said as they neared the slave ship. "They'll never figure it out."
Then a call came over the radio for Commander Nalos. He was needed to authorize men to search the space port.
"Now." Rein said as he drove onto the ramp. Kylan looked over the hanger they had just left. Right next to it there was two large tanks. A blue water tank and a red tank of fuel. Clearing his mind, Kylan stirred the molecules in the fuel tank causing them to heat up. Suddenly it exploded sending flames and fire into the air and blowing the hanger apart. Once they were in the ship, Rein and Kylan ran quickly to the bridge.
"Kylan." He yelled. "This is Nae'shail. Get ready to disable the radio as soon as they answer. Nae'shail, get us out of here!"
Nae'shail howled at Rein.
"No time for questions. Take off!!"  Rein keyed the radio. "13874 to air control. Permission for emergency take off!"
"Granted 13874. Lift off and take a position in orbit."
Just after the tower controller said take-off, Kylan pulled a connection on the radio and jumped into a seat and strapped himself in. Nae'shail keyed in the ignition sequence and they took off. The force of the powerful engines of the carrier slammed them back into their seat as they rocketed up into the upper atmosphere of Nimoss. Rein held on tight for his life hating every second but knowing this to be their only way to escape.
“Now I remember way I hate space travel!” Kylan yelled.
Once they were out of the planets gravity, the pressure dropped away and they could all relax and move around the ship.
"Where too?" Nae'shail barked.
"Get us out of the system for now." Rein said as he unstrapped himself from his seat. "We have a hostage to question."
Once in space and away from Nimoss III, Nae'shail hit the hyperspace and they were gone in a streak of starlight.

With a sudden splash of cold water, Commander Nalos bolted up awake. As he looked around, he saw Rein and Kylan standing over him holding a bucket.
"Where am I?" He asked.
"Well." Rein smiled. "I guess you could say you’re in deep shit. But that really all depends on you."
"You kidnapped me!" He fumed. "I knew you weren't a member of the Black Guard."
"Why?" Rein smiled. "Because I kidnapped you? You think the Emperor's Black Guard wouldn't kidnap someone if they thought it was necessary? I got news for you, they do it all the time. The Empire kidnaps millions ever year! As a matter of fact, that's why you're here."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"He's taking about a young girl Darth Sularr stole from Nimoss." Kylan sad leaning on a console. "Where did he take her?"
"Missing your girlfriend?" Nalos sneered. "That's too bad. Wish I could help you."
"Oh, you're going to help us." Rein smiled.
"And way would I help you?" Nalos said. "You’re nothing, sworn enemies of the Empire. What are you going to do, torture me? You don't scare me."
"Maybe I don't." Rein stepped back and walked around Nalos. "I doubt my friend he scares you either even though he's a Jedi."
Nalos looked at Kylan. That smug look on his face faded away. He knew the Jedi could get into his mind and learn his secrets and it might be painful.
"But his niece isn't the only on missing. I have another friend here whose whole family was taken in an Empire raid. Would you like to meet him?"
"Bring anyone you want out." Nalos spit at them. "I've been trained to resist whatever you try on me."
"We'll see about that." Rein laughed and when to the controls for the cabins door. He pressed a button and the door zipped out. For second there was no one there, then Nae'shail stepped from the side into view and charged howling at him. Nalos screamed as he cowered back and pissed all over himself in fear.
"The Empire raided Kashyyyk and took a load of Wookie's away." Rein said. "Tell us where they too them."
It took no more than two minutes for Commander Nalos to tell them everything they wanted to know. They tied him up and left him quaking in his cabin. With a destination plotted into the Nav computer, they were off to their next destination.

Once the Commander was secure and their course was set, Rein took some time to get some rest leaving Nae'shail and Kylan on watch. Kylan went to the food replicator and ordered himself a lite meal. It had been hours since the last time he ate. He took it to the bridge and sat in the copilot’s seat opposite Nae'shail and took a sip of his hot spiced tea. He turned his chair to look at Nae'shail.
[Can you understand me?]
The Wookie jumped when he heard the voice in his head. He turned to Kylan and howled.
[Yes, I understand. How can this be?]
[We have a very special talent you and I.] Kylan sat his cup down and held his hand over it. [Watch this.]
As he slowly raised his hand over the cup, it lifted slowly up about two feet into the air.
[It's called the Force.] He said as pulled the cup to his hand and drank the rest of his tea. [I can feel in very strongly in you. I will teach you the ways of the force if you let me.]
[I could never do anything like that.] Nae'shail said.
[You can if you believe in yourself.] Kylan assured him. [But doubt is the enemy. You must believe in yourself. Here, try it.]
Kylan sat the cup back on the console and leaned back in his seat.
[I don't want you to lift it. Just move it an inch. Look at the cup and concentrate. See it move in your mind. Don't stain, just give a little push.]
Nae'shail nodded then looked down at the cup. He calmed his mind and tried to push it. Nothing happened. He looked back to Kylan.
[See, I cannot do this,]
"Yes you can." Kylan said. "Your trying to hard. Close your eyes and relax, Listen to my voice. Let in sooth your thoughts, let it calm your emotions. Relax. Now open your eyes and see the cup move."
Nae'shail opened his eyes and gently touched the cup with his mind and it slid two inches across console.
[I did that?]
"Yes you did." Kylan smiled. "Congratulation, you have just taken your first step with the force. But be aware, you have a long hard road ahead of you with many dangers but I will be there to guide you if you let me."
[I want to learn.]
"Good." Kylan said. "Let me tell you all about the Force then."

When Ameria woke up she heard strange music. It was like nothing she had ever heard before. It was soft with some kind of string instruments with soft horns and bells. It was almost hypnotic the way it droned on sometime loud and sometimes soft. She sat up in bed and looked around. This wasn't her bedroom. She was in a big bed covered with pillows and thick blankets. It was very warm and comfortable. The walls were covered with silk drapes of black and red and the floor looked like it was made of marble. There was a water dispenser and a small table with a plate of fruit and a carafe with some liquid in it.  Where was she? The last thing she remember was being in that church. The dark man was up at the podium doing something to her. Had she passed out? Was she still somewhere in the church?
She pushed the covers off and climbed out of bed and almost screamed when she realized she was naked. She grabbed sheet off the bed and wrapped it around herself, then tore a strip from one of the drapes and made a belt. Dressed, Ameria went to the table and picked up the carafe of wine and took a sniff. It smelled strange, strong not like any wine she had ever had before. She took it to the water dispenser and poured it out then rinsed the carafe and filled it with water and took a drink. The fruit looked delicious, but she it wasn't Nimossian. There was something round, brown and fizzy. A long tubular thing with spots and some green berries. She had no idea if any of it was fit for her to eat so she pushed it away and decided to look around.
There were no windows in the room and the only light came from a dim set of tubes on the ceiling. Ameria walked up to the door and bumped into it when it didn't open automatically. Strange she thought. Someone must have put a lock on the mechanism. That means she was in a Zygerrian Empire building because they were the only buildings on Nimoss III with locks.
“Now what do I do?”
She looked around and noticed the control console on the wall beside the door. If she had tools she could probably open the console and get the door open. But there was nothing in the room she could use to pry the console open to get to its inner workings. Then she remembered something Uncle Kylan had taught her.
As a Jedi master, Uncle Kylan her recognized that she had the talent to use the Force. He had tried many times to get her to sit down with him and practice, but being young, she always had something better to do. But his constant insistence did eventually get her to work with him on a few summer days and she found he was right. She did have the talent, but it was hard work. So far she had lifted chairs and moved tables, small things around uncle's cabin. She wondered if it would be possible, if it would work on the door.
Ameria reached out and put her hand on the console. She could feel the heat of its energy source beneath her hand. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and concentrated on the inner mechanism of the door. The circuits and micro switches, transistors and sensors. She could see the blinking and flashing lights of the electrical processors in the wall. With a lite touch, she heard a click and the door slid open.
With the door open, Ameria peeked out to look up and down the corridor. It was long gray and cold steel with many doors on each side and at each end.
She stepped out and went from door to door listening at each door. Finding no one, she went to the door at the end. It slid open to reveal a lift. Ameria stopped for a second. She had no idea where the lift went. Was the exit, up or down? She would just have to take a chance. Stepping in she reached over and pressed a button to take her up to a higher floor. The doors closed and the lift hummed as it started to rise. After a few seconds it stopped and the doors slid open. Ameria stepped out and froze, she couldn't believe what she saw. She was on a ramp with clear walls all around her and all she saw was space. She wasn't in the church on Nimoss III, she was in a ship in outer space.
She stood there staring out at stars as they streaked by wondering how this could be possible. Who was the dark man and where was he taking her?
Confused and a little bit scared, Ameria made her way down too the end of the ramp. She had never been so far away from home, and never off planet. She had to find some way to get off the ship and back to Nimoss.
As she walked, she heard a voice. It was deep and cold and coming from the room ahead of her. She stopped at the door to listen.
"Nimoss III will offer no resistance Master." A voice said. "There is a church in every city and I personally built the psychic resonator for every church. When they go online, psychic energy will be absorbed and transmitted back to just as you ordered."
"And when do they go online?" Asked a different voice. This voice was much colder.
"They will all go online in two days."
"You have done well Sularr." Chuckled the deeper voice. "And what of the other matter you spoke about?"
"She is here with me." Darth Sularr said. "And we will arrive on your planet in less than twelve hours along with the muscle you ordered."
"I will have everything ready when you arrive." The Emperor said. "Make no delays.
"Yes Master."
Ameria turned away from the door scared out of her mind after what she heard. They were doing something to the people of Nimoss and the dark man was taking her to the Emperor. She needed to run and hide. But where could she hide on this ship that he wouldn't find her?
[There's nowhere for you to hide Ameria.]
She stopped and turned back to the door. There stood Darth Sularr smiling at her. Darth Sularr was six tall and muscular with deep blue skin. He had black hair and glowing yellow eyes. He was dressed in a black body suit with red lines that ran from his left shoulder down his arms and legs and a long black coat.  Belted at his side he had a light saber on the right and a blaster on the left.
"How do you know my name?" She asked.
"You are strong with the Force." He said. "But you are not trained very well. That is something my master will have to work on if you are going to be his bride."
"Me?" She laughed. "Bride to the Emperor? That's not gonna happen."
"You have two choices." Darth Sularr walked toward her. Ameria backed up. "Either you marry my master, or I will kill you."

Somewhere in the Raziel system in an Empire Carrier ship.

Sweat ran down Rein's face as he worked on the hyper drive unit of the carrier ship. Somehow they had burned out the Thelman converter and it had to be replaced. Fortunately, they had a spare in storage. After escaping the Z fighters chasing them, Nae'shail found an old abandoned Rodian communication station orbiting a far out L class planet. He and Rein managed to dock the ship and set the station in an orbit hidden behind one of the planet's moons, then Rein grabbed a set of tools and with Nae'shail's help they removed and installed the new converter. With his fingers crossed, Rein stood at the com in the engineering bay whiles on Nae'shail did test on the new converter. As they checked off each ignition point, smoke started rising from the sublight modulator.
"Cut the power!" Rein yelled as he jumped down to the engine and grabbed an extinguisher and started to spray the small electrical fire. With the fire out, Rein picked at the burned unit. "Damn! I hope there's a modulator in storage. We need a new one."
He looked up to the walkway where Kylan stood staring out at the green planet outside the portal. He seemed to not be listening to anything Rein said. Funny Rein thought. He had been quiet ever since they arrived at the station. He wondered what was on his mind.
"Kylan." Rein snapped his fingers to get his attention. "Hello, Come in Kylan."
"Huh?" Kylan turned to Rein. "What were you saying?"
"You seem distracted. Are you that worried about your niece?"
"Yes." He said. "Well, no. That's not really it. It's that planet. There's something about that planet. I'm getting a really weird feeling from the Force about that planet."
"Really, weird like what?" Rein asked as he got down and slid himself into the crawlspace to work on the hyper drive. "Like dangerous? Is there something down there dangerous? I wouldn't want to see you get hurt."
"No, it doesn't feel dangerous." Kylan smiled. "It feels attractive. Like something wants me to go down there."
"Hmmm, attractive huh? So what does this mean? What are you going to do?"
"I mean the planet" Kylan laughed he knew Rein was hitting on him. He was enjoying it. "This ship has a shuttle craft, correct?"
"Yes." Rein's arm reached out of the hatch way and accidentally touched Kylan's leg. "Can you hand me the micro-resonator?"
"How long will the repairs take?" Kylan bent down and picked up the instrument and passed it to him.
"I'll be done in twenty-four hours."
"That should be enough time for Nae'shail and I to go down and investigate the planet." Kylan said as he headed out of the engineering bay. "While we're gone, find somewhere on the station to put the Commander. We'll be back as fast as we can."
"Hey, good idea."  Rein smiled at the handsome Jedi. "What if I need help here?"
"If you need me." Kylan said seductively. "Just call and I'll be here."
"I just might do that."

As the shuttle flew over the surface of planet, Nae'shail was overjoyed to see it was a forest type planet. He checked the readings for gravity then life and found there was nothing here except plants. No intelligent life, no animals at all. His next move was to check the air quality. Oxygen and nitrogen, high on the nitrogen. They would need to take re breathers with them, but the air was breathable for short periods of time.
Unbuckling himself from his pilot seat. Nae'shail got up out of his seat and went to the weapons locker and took out his C blaster and the re breathers. He passed a breathing device to Kylan then headed to the hatch. Kylan stopped him.
"You won't need a weapon." He said. "There's nothing here to fight,"
[Are you sure?]
"Yes, there's no animal life on this planet." Kylan assured him. "Your sensors prove that."
[At home there is a plant called a Tonsero. It is an ugly thing. It walks and kills like a beast. It is as dangerous as the Crarun. Plant life can be just as deadly as animal.]
"Your planet is a very dangerous place." Kylan agreed. "But I understand your point. Keep the weapon."
Reaching up, Kylan triggered the hatch and it opened with a low hum. As they walked down the ramp, Nae'shail and Kylan stepped out on to a beautiful garden planet. All around them there were flowers and plants of amazing colors and heights. Great rose like flowers with multi colored petals. Blooming bell shaped crystal that rang softly as the wind swept through them. Long plants with star shaped petals opened and closed as if they had a heartbeat and tall trees with umbrella like canopy's. Though the grass was green, it moved and swayed like it was alive. As they stepped down off the ramp, it moved away to keep from being stepped on.
"You were right." Kylan said. "This planet is alive. Be careful where you step and what you touch."
Moving carefully, Kylan walked out as the grass parted into a path. Behind him, Nae'shail followed closely.
[Where are we going?]
"I don't know." Kylan said. "Let's like the Force guide our steps."
Keeping their eyes down, the walked following the path up into the hills. As they walked, Kylan saw flashes from his past. He saw himself back on Nimoss when he was 13 and his abilities had just started to awaken. It was the day Master Kaunos found him alone bleeding from the beating he had taken at school. Three boys had met him after school and beat him and tried to steal the Jumper his father had given him for his birthday. When they attacked, Kylan had lashed out with the Force for the first time knocking two of the boys down. But the third one got away with his Jumper. Master Kaunos caught the boy and returned the Jumper. That was the day he learned about the Force. Kylan remembered that day well. Master Kaunos explained to him what the Force was and that he would teach him if he promised to never again use it in anger.
[And you kept that promise.]
Kylan stopped and turned to find Master Kaunos standing under one of the umbrella tree in a small clearing. Kylan blinked, he couldn't believe his eyes. What he was seeing was impossible. Master Kaunos had died years ago saving a group of slaves during the Jedi-Zygerrian conflict.
[Nothing is impossible when you are one with the Force.]
"Master." Kylan said. "I don't understand. Why are you here?"
[I am here to remind you of your promise.] Master Kaunos walked out from the umbrella tree to meet Kylan. [I know what troubles you Young Kylan and anger is not the answer.]
"But Master, they have my blood. My niece. The Emperor has my niece!"
[Will anger get her back?] Master Kaunos asked. [Or will it get both of you and your friends killed? You know what anger leads too.]
"The dark side."
[Yes my young friend.] He nodded. [And it will not help you train the Wookie either. he has family that needs your help too. Will you abandon them too?]
"No Master." Kylan felt a calmness replace the anger that had been raging in his heart. "I will remember your teachings."
[Then I will be with you on your journey.]  Master Kaunos smiled and started to fade away. [Take heart, all is not lost. The Force will be with you.]
[Are you feeling well?] Nae'shail asked.
"Yes." Kylan said. "Why do you ask?"
[You talked to a shadow.]
"You saw him?" Kylan looked at him in surprise.
[I saw a shadow in a robe.]
"A ghost from my past." Kylan told him. "He was the one that trained me. Nae'shail, this place is very strong with the Force. Your training should be extensive, it should be for years. But right now we don't have that much time. We have some very difficult and dangerous things to do so I will teach you what I can. We have a day here. Let's start your training."
For the next twenty hours, Kylan instructed Nae'shail on how to meditate and move objects. He taught him how to use his senses to probe the area around him. Then they moved on to larger objects. Kylan found a cove that had a number of large boulders. He picked one that was the size of a small droid and lifted it up about ten feet, then set it gently back down so Nae'shail could give it a try. It took the Wookie a number of try's, but eventually he was about to lift it. Then they moved on to even larger objects, from stones the size of a Speeder bike, to boulder almost the same size as an Empire tank. Nae'shail struggled with the large stone. He could lift them a few feet but that was all.
"Your trying to hard." Kylan stepped out and calmly raised his hand lifting the boulder straight up into the air.
"The size doesn't matter." He said. "Big or small it's all the same. With a calm mind, you can move starships. Emotion leads to chaos and the dark side. Remember that. Right now we should be getting back. Rein should be finished
with his repairs."
Nae'shail nodded and they started heading back to the shuttle craft. As they moved up the beach, Master Kaunous reappeared.
[Go in peace.] Echoed through there their minds. [The Force will be with you.]

Omari II.

Teos was late as he ran through the palace. He had been ordered to tend to the Emperor's bath but he had been delayed coming back from the construction site with the daily report on their progress. He knew he would be punished for being late, but it wasn't his fault. The Emperor's pyramid was not an easy thing to build. Especially since he ordered everything done by hand. He wanted no droids or any kind of power tools used. The slaves had to carve the stones by hand and drag them to the site with simple muscle power and the inhabitants of Omari II were not built for such heavy work.
The Omarians were humanoid with two arm and legs but they were not very big or strong. Their hands had three fingers and a thumb and they had the lower extremities of an equine. They had dull yellow skin and completely hairless bodies. Though they were highly intelligent, sometimes simple things confused them making the Omarians a bad choice as slave labor. But there were millions of them and they learned very fast and did not fight back.
Teos felt sorry for them. There were nice people, they didn't deserve what was about to happen to their entire race. He had seen it before. It had happened to his own people.
The Empire had come and everyone thought they had come in peace and by the year’s end, Carrier ship were taking his people off to the mines and to be sold into slavery. He hadn't since any of his family since the day they were all dragged out of their house and put in the slave camps. Teos knew his father had been killed fighting to escape, and his brothers had been sold to a rich Devaronian. His sister was sold to a Hutt and it that time, he had no idea what had happened to his mother. Since Teos had been highly educated in many different languages, the Emperor had taken him into service in his house and that's where he had struggled to exist for the last ten years.
Teos was in his twenty sixth cycle. He had dark hair and brown eyes and a lean body. He wore the black and red of the house of Aldmos with the platinum slave ring around his wrist. Teos hated his life. He had tried many times in the last ten years to end it a was caught every time. The first two times, the Emperor had him beaten. But once he realized how much Teos wanted to die, he changed his tactics. The next time Teos tried to kill himself, Emperor Aldmos had twenty slaves lined up and executed as Teos watched. Then he told Teos next time he tried, he would execute fifty, then one hundred until he realized his life now belonged to the Emperor Achem Aldmos. To prove his point. Emperor Aldmos signaled Darth Sularr who had been standing at his side. Sularr smiled and walked to a door on the side and knocked. The door opened and a woman was pushed into the room. Teos cried out and tried to run to her when he recognized his mother. A trooper grabbed him and pulled him back as she was led in to stand in the middle of the bodies they had just executed. Teos knew what they planned to do next. He fell to his knees pleading with the Emperor.
"Please my Lord." He begged. "She is all I have left. Spare her life, I will serve you forever. I beg of you, please!!"
"Yes."  Emperor Aldmos smiled. "You will serve me for the rest of your life. And I will bestow upon her my holy mercies."
Darth Sularr pulled out his light saber and struck her down. Teos screamed and fell to the floor in tears.
"There." Emperor Aldmos said as he stood up. "She is now one with my holy body. Have dinner ready in an hour."
He turned and walked back out of the audience. Weeping, Teos got up on his feet and stared after the Emperor. That was the day he swore to the gods in heaven that he would see Emperor Achem Aldmos dead.

At Teos stepped off the lift in the palace, he could hear Emperor Aldmos screaming for him from all the way down the hall. Teos the sound of that bastards voice. It turned his stomach every time he hear it. But he dared not disappoint Aldmos again. The last time he did, the Emperor sold Wyla and Jemma, to house maids off and shipped them away. Teos didn't want to jeopardize anyone else from house Aldmos.
As he approached the Emperor's dressing room door, he stopped and took a deep breath, then went in. Aldmos was sitting in a high chair getting his hair cut and his shoulders messaged by one of the house maids. As Teos walked in, he turned to look at him.
"You called for me my lord?" Teos bowed down to him.
"Come here." Aldmos waved him closer. Teos knew what was coming but he had no choice but to obey the command. With his head up, he walked over to the Emperor. Aldmos reached out with the Force and grabbed him by his neck and threw him across the room.
"You’re late." He said with a glare. "You know better then to ignore my call!"
"My apologies." Teos said as he climbed back up on his feet. "I was delayed at your temple. There was a problem that needed to be straightened out."
"I know." Aldmos said as he got up out of the chair. "They are behind schedule. these Omarians are worthless. I should sell off the whole lot of them."
"They aren't very strong." Teos said. "They are better with mechanical things, not muscle power."
"I have more than enough muscle power on the way." Aldmos stood with hs arms out while the maid helped him into a dark cloak. "They should be landing within the hour. I want you to get them to work right away at the pyramid."
"Yes Master."
"There will be a girl arriving with Sularr." Aldmos said. "She is very important to me. I want her cleaned up, and dressed and made ready to entertain me tonight,"
"Yes Master."
Aldmos went to a full length mirror to admire himself. He was of medium height and very thin. He had pointed ears, dark eyes and a long nose. His face was framed with bony spurs two sharp ones on his chin. He had a grayish skin tone which showed his advanced age, though for a Sith master, age meant power.
"Watch her carefully." Aldmos said as he headed out the door. "Do not lose her or you will be sorry."
As Aldmos shut the door, Lila shivered,
"I hate touching him." She said. "I always feel sick when I'm near him."
"Be careful what you say and think around him." Teos warned her. "He can hear your thoughts."
"I will." Lila said as she collected his soiled clothing. "Are you alright, Teos?"
"Another load of slaves." He said sadly. "And I have to be responsible for them. I can't take much more of this."
"You have protected us for all these years. You shouldn't have all this responsibility. You do what you think is best. We'll be fine."
Teos smiled and kissed Lila on her forehead. "You have work to do. I'll figure something out. Don't worry."

Back on the Abandoned Com Station.

When Hinemo Nalos woke up, he knew from the feel of the deck that he wasn't on the carrier ship anymore. He sat up and looked around the cold gray cell he had been sleeping in and wondered where he was. He knew this wasn't Omari II, the gravity was too lite and the air had a stale taste to it. He had fought on many different planets for the Zygerrians and this place felt more like a ship or some kind of station. On the table next to the bunk, Nalos found a stack of Zygerrian field rations and canisters of water. There was enough here for at least a week. This had to be his kidnappers doing. They had found somewhere to leave him so he couldn't warn anyone that they were coming.
He stood up and walked to the cell door and pushed on it. It swung open. That was a relief. Had they locked him in, he might have died in there. There was no telling when someone might come along or if they planned to return for him.
Nalos grabbed a canister of water and went out to find out exactly where he was. From the cell he searched deck by deck until he realized he was on an old Rodian communication station. That meant he was somewhere in the Raziel system, and that wasn't too far from Omari II. With just a small amount of luck, there might still be a small Rodian shuttle here that he could repair that would get him to the Emperor's planet.
Finding the landing bay had been easy and he was in luck. There was a ship still there that didn't need any serious repairs. He ran back and grabbed the rations they had left him and set himself to work fixing the Nav computer. When that was done he tried fixing the comm system, but it had been completely burned out. This would have to do. With his supplies aboard, Commander Nalos took his place behind the controls and launched his ship into space. There were three rebels out there heading to destroy the Empire, and Hinemo Nalos wanted his revenge.

Omari II

Darth Sularr's Z fighter set down to land, Teos looked up to see the slave ships following him in. One by one they started to land just as the ramp came down on Sularr's ship. Like a dark phantom, Sularr descended down the ramp to Teos and his skimmer.
"Where is the master?
"I don't know." Teos said. "He left me with orders to take care of a group of new slaves and a girl. Where is she?"
Sularr stepped up to Teos and reached out and paralyzed Teos with a thought.
Teos lifted off the ground struggling to breathe. His lungs had stopped working.
"Watch what you think. I am not Aldmos, and I am not as forgiving as he is."
Sularr released him and he fell gasping for breath. Sularr walked to the skimmer and climbed into the pilot's seat.
"The girl is locked in a cabin on my fighter." He said. "See to it that she is ready when I call for her. I have plans that include her. And don't forget the Wookiee’s, they may be hungry."
Sularr started the skimmer and drove off to find his master.
Coughing and gasping, Teos sat there for a second trying to get his breathing under control. Once he could breathe again, he got up and headed into Sularr's fighter and made his way to the cabin. Once he reached the cabin, he keyed in the entry code and the door slid open. The room was dark, Teos didn't see anyone there in the room. He reached to the controls on the walls to brighten the room. As the lights came on, Teos took one step into the room and Ameria attacked.
She jumped out from the side of the door and kicked him in his back. Teos fell and rolled to the side trying to get away. As he tried to get up, Ameria slammed her fist down at his chest. Teos dodged to the side, then pushed her off him. He kicked out at her knocking her back then rolled over onto her chest and held her arms down.
"Please stop." He said. "I'm not her to hurt you."
"Yes you are!" She screamed. "You're one of his men! Your here to make me one of his slaves! I'd rather die than be a slave to the Emperor!!"
"No!" Teos shouted. "I'm a slave. I'm not one of his men! I hate him, he killed my family!!"
Ameria stopped fighting as she looked up at the handsome man sitting on her chest.
"I'm trapped here." He said as a tears ran down from his eyes. "Just like you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry this had to happen to you. I promise I'll do what I can to help you."
"I want to get of this planet." Ameria said. "Can you help me with that?"
"I don't know." Teos got up off her and reached down to help her up. "But there's always hope. My name is Teos. Let's get you out of here."
"I'm Ameria Braden from Nimoss III." She said. "Where are you taking me?
"The Emperor wants to see you." Teos told him. "He ordered me to have you cleaned and dressed to meet him."
"What does that mean?" Ameria asked nervously. "I'm not sure. I don't know why he wants you. You're not what a Zygerrian would find sexually appealing. It has to be something else."
"Like what?"
"Emperor Aldmos doesn't always make sense." Teos said as he led her out of the cabin. "He can be very selfish, possessive and chaotic. Sometimes erratic.
He makes impulsive decisions. I never know what he might think or want. Today, he wants you. We'll have to wait and see why."
"Is he dangerous?"
"I'm afraid so." Teos said. "He's a mad man and very dangerous."
"What should I do?" She asked.
"Be calm. Don't upset him. Listen and let him talk. He loves to be praised
"You seem to know him very well." Ameria said. "How long have you been here?"
"Ten years." He said. "But it seems like forever. I came from the planet Rymor. It was a happy place until they invaded. Now I guess most of my people are gone and it's just an outpost for the Zygerrians now. I miss it. We had such beautiful beaches and cities. My first mother had a small house by the Rakinee Ocean that always made me feel safe. Last time I was there; I saw the Zygerrians blast that entire beach turning it all to a wasteland. I hate them so much. Even if I manage to get free, I can't go back. There's nothing to go back too. The planet is lost."
"I'm sorry." Ameria said as they left the ship. She could see the pain written on his face. He must feel terrible. "It must have been terrible. But you shouldn't give up. You should fight to get out of here. You don't have to be a slave, you could be free again."
"You think I gave up? You have no idea what I've had to live with!" Teos yelled at her "The torture, the murders, the beatings. If I disobey, people die. He kills people when I don’t do what he wants. How would you like that on your head? The lives of all my people here depending on what I do! Me! I would beat him to death with my own hands if I could! But I have to be careful of my every thought, every emotion or he will read it and kill more slaves! Now do you understand?"
"Yes, I’m sorry." She cried. "You’re a brave man in so much pain. I’ll do what you say and be careful. There may be a way out of here for both of us."
"Maybe for all of us." Teos took out a small com unit and called for one of the house footmen to get a skimmer and come and meet them. When he arrived a few minutes later, he put America in and ordered him to take her back to the palace.

"This is Danom." Teos introduced them. "You can trust him. He’s going to take you back to the palace to get you cleaned up. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe, no one will bother you. I don’t expect the Emperor back to later tonight."
Ameria looked at Danom. He seemed like a nice trusting soul, but though she had just met Teos, she felt comfortable and safe in his presence. She didn't want to leave his side.
"Teos." She said. "I'm scared. Please let me stay with you. I won't get in the way of what you have to do."
"I'm sorry Ameria." He said as he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. He wanted to keep her with him, but where he was going could be dangerous. He really was beginning to like her so he had to send her to somewhere safe. since the Emperor was off planet, the palace would be the safest place for her. He reached out and took her hand. "Where I'm going could be dangerous. I can't let you get hurt. Damon will feed you, get you something to wear and watch over you until I get back. I promise you will be safe and I won't be long."
She grabbed him in a hug and held him tightly. That surprised Teos, but it flt good. He wrapped his arms around her and inhaled the scent of her hair. His heart started to pound in his chest and he could feel himself growing hotter. He didn't want to let go. He wanted to hold on to her forever, but he had to let go.
"Go Damon. Keep her safe."
"I will." Damon promised as he started the skimmer and drove away. Teos wiped the sweat from his brow and turned to head into the space port to see about the Emperor's new load of muscle.

As Teos rode out through the slave ship, he counted fifty ships and they were all loaded with huge hairy beast. They must be the Wookiee's Sularr had mentioned. They were tall, at least six or seven-foot-tall and covered with long hair. From what Teos could see they were very muscular. They should have no problem hauling the stones for Aldmos's pyramid. He wondered how intelligent they were? They looked like animals but looks can be deceiving. They could be as smart or smarter than the Omarians or even he Zygerrians. He would find out soon enough since it was up to him to get them working.
As Teos enter the first ship, one of the troopers met him in the cargo bay.
"You must be Teos." He said as he looked down on him. "Here are the new slaves the Emperor wanted. Be careful with them. Don't let them get to close, they are very strong and very smart."
"How are we to get them to work?" Teos asked. "How do I talk to them?"
"These things understand Galactic standard." The trooper passed him a laser whip. "We use them in the asteroid mining. This will get them moving."
Teos looked at the whip in his hand. He knew he could never use it on them or any other slave. He would have to find another way. This would not be easy.


A cold wind blew through the trees of Narrroll as Conner Tortan, general of the Coruscant military forces stood starring at the empty branches of one of many Wookiee villages he had visited today. No Wookiee cubs leaped or dived in the branches overhead. There were no hunters out today in the tree crowns hunting Kalets or wild Bankeloes. The trees were quiet, there wasn't even any animals or insects out singing their mating calls. It was like the planet was weeping quietly for the loss of its children.
as General Tortan walked along doing his inspection, he found a stuffed Erlor laying of the deck and picked it up. He thought it resembled the squirrels that once lived in the forest of his home planet. It must have been dropped by a young Wookiee when they were taken from the village. It seemed almost sad and alone laying there by itself.
At his side, an L4 translator unit beeped as it announced the presence of an intruder. General Tortan reached to his side for his blaster as Mmilllorro of Grakmarb dropped down from above. General Tortan sighed with relief and bowed to the brave Wookiee elder.
"Greetings Mmilllorro. I came as fast as I could."
"I know my friend." General Tortan said. "But we know who took them. Achem Aldmos of Zygerria."
"Why?" Mmilllorro/Droid asked. "WHAT DOES HE WANT?"
"Emperor Aldmos is not quite right." Gen Tortan walked over to the entrance to one of the hollowed out trees. There was a small childs crossbow laying there broken in two pieces. "He's mad, crazy. He thinks he's some kind of god. And there may be something to his claim."
"I DO NOT UNDERSTAND." Mmilllorro/Droid said as the Wookiee scratched his head.
"We don't know how." Gen Tortan explained. "But the Empire seems to have acquired a number of new systems. They come in and somehow drain the will of the people and turn them into mindless things that just walk aimlessly around. We have no idea what to do or how to help these people."
"I don't know much the Force." Gen Tortan picked up the crossbow and handed it to Mmilllorro. He took it and howled out his pain "But have heard the Jedi talk about the Sith and how dangerous they are. If the Zygerrian empire is using this Force, we'll need help. I'll have to find a Jedi master. Don't worry, we'll find your people. Somehow, We'll bring them home."
"NAE"SHAIL." Mmilllorro/Droid said as he turned back. "TWO CHASE EMPIRE. HE WILL SIGNAL."
"Then we should be ready when that signal comes." Gen Tortan took out his com unit and stepped over to the walkway rail. "Tortan to the Rougestar, Come in Rougestar."
"Rougestar, Lt Waldin here. What can I do for you General?"
"Lieutenant, I want your ears on." Gen Tortan ordered. "I want communications in all sector listening for a signal."
"What kind of signal Sir?"
"Something you can zero in on and get a location." He said. "We have friends out there we have to find. Put all sensor on long range and pass that on to all ships. That includes passenger ships, freighters, yachts, research ships, outposts and anything with an impulse or star drive."
"Aye aye Sir. I'm on it."
"I want to know the second anyone hears anything."
"Yes Sir!"
"Tortan out."

Omari II.

By the time they were ready to land on Omari II, the sun had gone down and the sky was filled with stars. Zygerrians had built the Emperor a handsome space port. The main structure was an X shaped two story building with portal bays situated on the east and west for ground vehicles and cargo receiving. At the north end of the building they built a massive landing field with several runways and landing ports for many different types of ships. At the south end they built the secure area for unloading of slaves and any other dangerous types of cargo. Electrical fences and guards were posted all along a path to the compound where the slaves were to be housed.
Rein and Nae'shail carefully maneuvered the ship to an open space near one of the dark and quiet hangers in the secure area of the space port. Rein had put on the Commander's uniform and Kylan wore one he had found down in the lower cabins. Once dressed, they went to the exit ramp.
"Finding the Wookiee's shouldn't be hard." Kylan said. "There will be a compound where they will be kept. Nae'shail, you have your sound saber and the Force on your side. Remember what I said about anger. Stay calm. Rein, escort him in to the compound and try and stay with him."
"Where are you going?"
"I have to find Ameria." Kylan put on his helmet. "They have her here somewhere. I have to get her to somewhere safe. Be careful. Both of you."
Rein reached up and keyed the exit sequence into the ramp doors. He took cuffs and carefully put them on Nae'shail's wrist and handed him a key to hide somewhere in his fur.
Rein and Nae'shail nodded their heads.
"Let the Force be with you." Kylan went down the ramp and disappeared into the night.
"Let's go." Rein pulled out his blaster and they started on their way down the ramp into the Zygerrian space port.
With a blaster at his back, Nae'shail walked with his head down but always watching what was around him. They made their way down the fenced path to a gate where two troopers stood guard.
As they approached, the troopers snapped to attention to salute the Commander.
"Another hairy beast?" A trooper said.
"Just open the door." Rein said. "This one's important. He's one of their leaders."
"Yes sir." The trooper opened up and Rein pushed Nae'shail forward in through the gate. He stumbled but easily regained his footing. As the gate closed they looked around, they had entered a huge fenced in yard with rows of strange stone buildings with roofs covered with wood and grass. This was the weirdest place Rein have ever been, but he immediately knew this place was meant to house slaves.
As they walked through the rows, yellow skinned aliens stopped to watch them pass. These had to be the natives of this planets. They were all hairless and dressed in rags, even the small breasted females. They didn't look very strong; the planet had probably been very easy to conquer. Rein doubted these people even had any weapons.
Together they walked through the Omarian compound. There were troopers everywhere beating and forcing the Omarians to do various jobs. Digging trenches, moving piles of lumber and stones, they even saw them outside of the fence cleaning around the trooper’s barracks and farming crops in the fields.
As they made their way pass one of the stone houses, a door flew open and an Omarian came flying out to land in a puddle of mud. As the Omarian tried to sit up, a trooper ran of the building yelling something. He pulled his blaster and shot the little alien. Rein could hear deep growling coming from Nae'shail.
"Remember what Kylan said." Rein whispered. "Calm down. This stinks, but we can't do anything. Right now we find your people and we see what we can do to get them out of here."
"What happens to them?" Nae'shail barked as three trooper's came out of the building dragging female Omarians behind them. At the door, little ones cried while being pulled back into the building. "Are we to let this happen?"
"Nae'shail." Rein said. "This is they're planet. We just got here. What do you want to do?"
"Stop them." He pointed to the laughing troopers as they dragged away their screaming victims. "We help them. Only three."
Rein watched as the three troopers dragged the females toward a dark empty row of building. One broke free from her captor and tried to run off, but the trooper ran after her. He smacked her, then grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards the building. The three Omarian females screamed and fought against the troopers, punching and kicking weakly to get free. The sound of the screams, the laughter of the arrogant troopers was to much for Rein.
"Can you keep that buildings door from opening" Rein asked. "Hold it closed with the force Kylan taught you, can you do it?"
"Yes." Nae'shail huffed. "Why?"
"Just do it."
With his hands still in the handcuffs, Nae'shail spread his fingers and reached out with the Force and took a hold of the door and held it tight as a trooper tried to pull it open. When he couldn't budge it, he pushed the female over to one of his comrades and tried again with both hands. No matter how hard he pulled, the door wouldn't open.
"Honus, what's taking so long. Get it open so I can get at my business."
"It won't open." Honus said as pulled and tugged at the door. He looked up and saw Rein and Nae'shail. He knew the Wookiee could get it open. It could probably rip the door off right off, which really didn't matter to the troopers.
"Hey." Honus called. "You down there. Bring the Wookiee up here. Help get this door open."
"Coming right up!" Rein said as he looked to be sure no one else was watching. He led Nae'shail over to the stone building where he reached out and grabbed the handle on the door. Rein stepped over to stand behind the two troopers holding the Omarian girls.
"Pull!" The trooper yelled.
With a mighty heave, Nae'shail pulled the door open and off its hinges then slammed it into the trooper knocking him off his feet and smashing his skull. At the same time, Rein turned his blaster on his two companions and fired. Like target Womp rats, they fell to the ground dead charred with holes in their chests. The three Omarians girls screeched and hugged each other afraid to move. Rein went over and pulled them up on their hooves and shooed them on their way.
"Come on." Rein said. "Now can we get out of here before someone finds us with these bodies?"
"Wait." Nae'shail gruffed. He  grabbed the arms of the bodies of the dead troopers and dragged them off behind the building and stuffed them down into a well.
"Now we go."

The Zygerrian Imperial Palace.

As Darth Sularr paced back and forth in his dark chamber, he wondered where his master was. What madness was he up to now? He was probably out somewhere trying to prove his divine providence to some poor weak minded world just like he had done many times before. Once he had looked up in praise to Achem Aldmos. He had always been so strong minded and so determined in the way he conquered and ruled his empire. But now things were different. His thoughts were unclear, his motives were erratic and his ideas were insane. He was very powerful and strong with the dark side of the Force, but was no god. Then there was the psychic amplifiers that he had him plant in all the churches. Sularr had spent his time after he returned connecting all the sensors of the amplifiers to relays that went to the throne. All the Emperor had to do was take his place on the throne and use the Force to activate the machines and the power would flow into him. But Sularr knew he could never allow Achem Aldmos to tune himself into the machines. That much power would make him a threat to every living being in this galaxy and anything that lay beyond. Sularr knew his only choice was to put an end to Achem Aldmos and all his madness. To put himself on the throne and take over the Zygerrian Empire. That means the Emperor must die.
With the decision made, Sularr left his chamber and went to the Emperor's throne room and called out for Teos to come and attend him. As Teos entered the room, Sularr was standing down at the foot  of the throne waiting for him.
"You called for me Lord Sularr?" Teos bowed but kept his eyes on the dark man. He didn't trust him.
"Yes." Sularr said as he stepped up and sat himself in the throne of the Emperor of the Zygerrian Empire. "There is madness in this house. You know it and I know it. It is time for sanity to take control of the Empire. I want  you to bring the captain of the house guard and contact all the Generals. I want to speak with them all immediately. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir." Teos said. "Is there anything else?"
"Yes." Sularr said as he folded his hands together and looked down on the Rymorian. "When the Achem Aldmos returns, I want to know before his ship lands. I want to meet the ship when it arrives. Make it so."
"Yes sir Lord Sularr." Turned to leave.
"One more thing." The dark man stood up and stepped down from the throne. "You may call me Ryad from now on. Emperor Enar Ryad. And have that pyramid destroyed. I want nothing left to remind me of Aldmos."
"Yes Emperor Ryad."
Teos bowed and left the throne room to follow the new emperor's orders and make the arrangements. He knew what he was being ordered to do. He didn't like Sularr, but maybe there was a chance for escape in there somewhere. He would have to keep a careful watch.

Alone in the throne room, he climbed back up and took his place on the Imperial throne. It was time he took that last step to initiate himself into power.
He closed his eyes and reached out with the Force to switch on the relays. In his head he heard the hum of the machinery's power begin to pulse. He leaned back and clutched the arms of throne as the amplified power of the Force started to flow from the church resonators to the throne and into to him. Enar Ryad screamed as power burned through every nerve and cell of his neural network. His eyes flared with power as the Dark force invaded his body. Enar Ryad laughed as his mind looked out on all the areas around his new palace. There would be some changes made here very soon.
"Now I am one with the dark side."

As Nae'shail and Rein finally made it to the Wookiee compound, they found themselves staring at a twenty foot double fence with pressure mines planted between the two fences. There were spot lights that blazed down to cover every inch of  the security fence. Strung around the top of the fence, there was barbed wire set to keep anyone from climbing and escaping. Spaced every fifty yards, there were guard towers armed with a laser cannons, a spot lights and manned with two Zygerrian troopers. Twenty yards ahead of them there was a high steel gate with sirens and flashing lights. This looked like the most heavily fortified prison Rein had ever seen, and him and Nae'shail's uncle Chorrr escaped the Kessel mines.
"Move carefully." Rein whispered as he urged Nae'shail forward. "This is far worse then the mines of Kessel."
"Zygerrian's bad." Nae'shail howled. "I stay calm."
Slowly they approached the gate as a trooper signal for the gates to open. The sirens and lights blared as the steel doors started to opened like the mandibles of a great spider. Inside a trooper waved them in.
"Another one?" The trooper said. "Where'd you find him?"
"I was told this one is a chief from one of their big clans." Rein said. "I was ordered to bring him in."
"I'll take him from here." The trooper said. he kicked Nae'shail in the back pushing him in through the gate. Nae'shail stumbled in then turned and howled at the trooper. The trooper lifted his blaster and aimed it at Nae'shail's head.
"Lift a paw at me and I'll blaster your head off."
Nae'shail snarled but turned away. Rein started to follow him in but the trooper stopped him.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm to bring him in." Rein said. "Those are my orders."
"Why would you want to go in there with them?" He looked at Rein suspiciously. "Those things would kill you. Get back to you barracks. We'll take care of it. Get moving."
Rein wanted to go in with Nae'shail, but it looks like that would be impossible. He walked off to the side of the fence and watched as Nae'shail made his way in.
[Go send signal.] Nae'shail sent to him. [I find uncle and family. I call when I find them.]
[Be careful.]

From the gate, Nae'shail made his way in going from building to building until he turned a corner and saw a young red furred girl sitting outside of a stone building digging in the weeds and greenery. It was his little sister. He howled her name and ran to her.
She turned when she heard her name and jumped up when she saw Nae'shail running toward her. Crying Kastu leaped into his arms. He held her and rocked as she cried into his shoulder.
"Kastu, I was so worried about you." He hugged her tightly. "Where is Mother and Uncle?"
"Dead." Chorrr said from the door of the barracks building. "We grieve with you."
"How?" Nae'shail lifted his sister and carried her over to uncle and into the barracks. "What happened?"
"Your mother fought bravely during the attack on Narrroll." Chorrr explained. "When the troopers came, she was out in the higher branches collecting eggs from the Tasec nests. The troopers came in blasting anything that moved. There were four other females there with her when the fighting started. She caught and defeated five troopers giving the others time to escape. Unfortunately, she was hit many times and taken in the first ships. When we arrived here, her body was delivered to us. We prayed and sent her spirit on to our ancestors two moons past. We howled all night in honor to her sacrifice. She will be avenged."
"Yes she will be." Nae'shail said. He stood up and walked over to a pile of straw that was made into a sleeping nest and laid the sleeping Kastu down. Once she was sleeping quietly, Nae'shail went back and sat with Uncle.
"So tell me Nae'shail, how did you get here?" He asked. "You were not in Narrroll during the attack. I had hoped you were back on Kashyyyk safe."
"I am here with Rein Daviron. We captured a ship to come and find you."
"One ship?" Chorrr said surprised. "Nae'shail, there are hundreds of us here. One ship will not be enough."
"I know Uncle." He said. "We are the first, but we'll get everyone home. Trust in the Force, it well take care of everyone."

With Nae'shail in the Wookiee compound, Rein decided his best chance would be to find a place with long range radio capabilities so he could send out the signal for help. He left the secure area and made his way to the heavily guarded gates of Dialos, Achem Aldmos own private palace complex.
Rein straightened his walk and went to the guard booth at the gate and flashed his Ident badge and was waved through without question. The walls were dark and the halls were tall like the corridors of the ancient cathedrals of the old Xarelian churches that once dotted the galaxy. There were long columns with bright flame shaped crystals that cast a dim light all through the halls. The floors were all made of black marble with a white and black checker board pattern that ran down the center. There were lavish silver designs that ran all a long the walls through the great halls. The whole palace seemed cold to Rein, but it was Zygerrian and they were a cold hearted people with centuries of conquest in their history.
The complex halls were rather busy as troopers and nobles from many of the Empires planets went on with their duties. There were droids and messenger bots buzzing and chirping along in and out of all the different offices. Rein stopped a young trooper and asked for directions to one of the many communication offices.
"Down the hall." The trooper said. "Take a left to the lift and go up two floors. From there go right and down three doors. It will be on the right."
Rein thank him and walked off down the hall following his directions. He took the left pass an office with a sign that read Planetary Controllers office and down pass a door with two guards in black uniforms to a lift. He reached out and grabbed a hold of the of the rotating lift then stepped on and started on his way up to the higher levels. As he stepped off two levels up, he turned right in the empty hall and continued on down three doors to a door marked Special Operations office. This was it, the communication bay the young trooper had directed him to. Rein stood for a minute and listened at the door. He could hear voices coming from inside. Three different voices. Rein checked his blaster then triggered the door and went in.
The room was filled with all types of machinery. There was a radionics bay, a raytar sector subspace broadcast unit, wide band transceiver, vack traffic control and four different subspace transmitter consoles. One trooper stood in a commander chair in a raised platform in the center of the room while the other two ran traffic control for the space port. As Rein entered the communication center, the commander turned his chair to face him.
"Why are you here trooper?"
"Orders sir." He said with a salute. "I was ordered to relay a message to Nimoss III from Lord Sularr."
"These are Lord Sularr's orders?" The Commander looked at him with suspicion.
"Yes sir." Rein said. "He seemed very angry sir. down the hall following his directions. He took the left pass an office with a sign that read Planetary Controllers office and down pass a door with two guards in black uniforms to a lift. He reached out and grabbed a hold of the of the rotating lift then stepped on and started on his way up to the higher levels. As he stepped off two levels up, he turned right in the empty hall and continued on down three doors to a door marked Special Operations office. This was it, the communication bay the young trooper had directed him to. Rein stood for a minute and listened at the door. He could hear voices coming from inside. Three different voices. Rein checked his blaster then triggered the door and went in.
The room was filled with all types of machinery. There was a radionics bay, a raytar sector subspace broadcast unit, wide band transceiver, vack traffic control and two different subspace transmitter consoles. One trooper stood in a commander chair in a raised platform in the center of the room while the other two ran traffic control for the space port. As Rein entered the communication center, Commander Oldema turned his chair to face him.
"Why are you here trooper?"
"Orders sir." He said with a salute. "I was ordered to relay a message to Cerden from Lord Sularr."
"These are Lord Sularr's orders?" Commander Oldema looked at him with suspicion.
"Yes sir." Rein said. "He seemed very angry sir. But if it is your wish, I will go back and tell him you said he has to have your permission to send out a message. I'm sure he will understand, though he is not known for his patients."
Commander Oldema stared down on Rein with contempt. He was right, Lord Sularr's anger would be great and the punishment would be severe if he didn't comply with his orders. He had no choice.
"Fine." He said as he turned back to his work. "Send his message, then get out of here. And don't get in anyone's way."
"Aye, aye sir." Rein smiled as he went to the console on the far left side and sat down. A minute later the console powered up and Rein started working the controls. As he worked, a trooper spotted an unknown ship that had just entered orbit over the planet.
"Commander." He called. "We have an unidentified Rodian ship entering orbit."
"Hail that ship." The Commander ordered. "And get a fighter in the air and ready to shoot it down."
"Aye sir." The trooper keyed in a channel to the unidentified ship and sent out a call. "Zygerrian control to unidentified Rodian ship, Identify yourself."
"Zygerrian control. This is Commander Hinemo Nalos, Commander of Tadyn unit on NimossIII. I'm here on a very important matter. I need to see your security Commander."
"You will provide me with proof of your identity." Oldema said. "What is your Identi badge number?"
The trooper ran the number through the computer and a full read out of Hinemo Nalos appeared on his view screen. He transferred it over for Commander Oldema to read.
"Commander Nalos." He said. "You're far away from your post. In fact it says here you disappeared off Nimoss III more then a week ago.
"I was kidnapped." Nalos told him."By the same rouges I've chased here. I need a landing vector and your security Commander waiting when I land. The rouges might be here on Omari II."
"Land your ship at DT3-43541." Commander Oldema said. "Someone will be there waiting for you. Control out. Have security meet him. Looks like we might have some kind of trouble."
"Trooper, you might want to tell Lord Sularr about this." Commander Odema turned to Rein, but he was gone. Oldema sat staring at the empty transmitter station that Rein had just been working at. He thought something about that trooper hadn't been right. Lord Sularr had his own transmitter unit in both his ship and his quarters. Why would he send a trooper here to send out a message that he could have sent himself?"
Strange." Oldema said as he turned back to work. "Lieutenant, have you ever seen that trooper before?"
"No sir." The trooper said. "But he may be one of Lord Sularr's men. Would you like me to check?"
"No, but pull up one of the security views of this room and get his image. Send it to security and tell them I want him found. I have questions."

After hearing the call from Commander Nalos, Rein knew they were in trouble. Once Nalos set down and met with security, he would tell them all about them. They should never have left him on that station. They should have dropped his ass on the planet and forgot about him. Now he will have every trooper on the planet searching for them. Nae'shail would be fine, but somehow, Rein was going to have to find Kylan and let him know. But how? How do you fine a Jedi if he doesn't want to be found? Where could he be? He had said he was going to find his niece who had been taken by Darth Sularr. If that was true, then she would be somewhere in the palace. But he couldn't search the palace, that would definitely get him caught. Then Rein remember something Kylan had said. He said if Rein needed him, all he had to do was call. Could it be that easy? That simple? He could try and see if it works.
As Rein headed back to the lift, he pictured the handsome Jedi in his mind. He tall statue and gleaming ice blue eyes that could easily steal your heart. His straight nose and strong chin. The way he looked and him and made his heart pound like a hammer in his chest. The way he looked when Rein had passed him after his sonic shower all naked, clean and fresh.
[I told you I would hear you if you call me Rein.]
Rein jumped and almost fell off the lift.
[Hold on carefully.] Kylan said in him mind. [And don't talk. I can hear your thoughts. Just think to me, I will hear you.]
[The Force really is magic.]
[No.] Kylan said. [But you can call it that if you want. Have you found your Wookiee friends?]
[No, but I'm Nae'shail will find them. I'm calling to warn you that Commander Nalos is here on Omari II. With the Empire security, them will be looking for us]
[Then get to the ship and send out the signal. I will do the rest.]
At that moment, Rein reached the first floor of the complex and security was there waiting for him. They grabbed him and cracked him in the head knocking him out. Kylan felt his scream and the pain and knew what happened. As Rein fell, the last thing he heard was Kylan promise to come and save him.

Teos had spent all day locating and sending out Emperor Ryad's messages to the Generals all over the Empire. Has last task had been to inform the commanders and troopers on Omari II. He passed the word from one end of the palace and out to the space port and lastly, the pyramid which Ryad had ordered destroyed.
As Teos stood on a hill overlooking the Emperor's unfinished pyramid, he watched as the Wookiee's dragged the heavy blocks down to the site to be lifted and set in place. The pyramid was a three sided structure, built to five hundred feet on each side. It had an intricate maze design on its interior with many secret rooms with traps and pitfalls to stop an intruder that might enter. On the higher levels, all the rooms and chamber for the Emperor had been planned. But so far only the base and lower levels had been built.
Teos made his way down the hill to the planning tent of the Emperor's architect, a Zygerrian named Omolt. Two guard stood at the tent opening barring his way.
"I am here with a message from Enar Ryad, the new Emperor." Teos said. "I must see the Architect. It's important."
The trooper parted the tent flap and let Teos in. Inside, Teos found a tall Zygerrian standing at a table by an opening that overlooked the unfinished pyramid covered with plans. He looked up when Teos came and recognized him .
"What do you want? The Wookiee's have not been mistreated."
"I have news for you." Teos walked over the the table. "There's been a change."
"What's he want now?" Omolt threw up his hands. "A hundred foot tall statue of himself? Or maybe a mile high tower?"
"Lord Sularr has ousted Achem Aldmos from the Empire's throne. He sent word out to all worlds of the Empire of Aldmos madness and now he is taking control."
"What about the Pyramid? Do I finish it?"
"No." Teos said. "He wants it destroyed. He doesn't want anything of Achem Aldmos left on Omari II or anywhere in the Empire."
Omolt walked over to his desk set in the back near a small cot. He picked up a com unit to send out new orders.
"Captain Belage, come in."
"Belage here." Came the answer.
"We have new orders. I want you to clear all personal then plant charges on each of the corners. Blow the damned thing up."
There was a minute of silence then Captan Belage asked him to repeat the order.
"You heard me." Omolt yelled. "I said blow the damned thing up!! The Emperor wants it destroyed."
Teos turned and left the tent. He had been thinking of Ameria all day he wasn't sure what the new Emperor might have planned for her. When he delivered her to him at the space port, Sularr had said he had plans for her. Teos had to find someway to hide her before the Emperor found her.
As Teos started on his way back to the palace, he passed a group of Wookiee's heading back to the Wookiee compound, A tall red furred Wookiee stared at him as he approached them
Teos stopped and stared at the Wookiee's. Did that Wookiee just project into his mind? The Emperor had touched his mind many times in the past, Teos knew what it was he had felt. He wonder if the Wookiee could hear him?
[Yes, I hear. I am here with others. We search for Ameria.]
[Others?] Teos sent. [How many others?]
[There are two others] Nae'shail sent. [Find Rein and Kylan. Kylan Jedi, her uncle.]
[What about you?] Teos said. [How can I help you?]
[I free my people. Find Kylan. He get Ameria home. Tell Kylan I keep my promise.]
As the Wookiee disappeared over the hill, Teos took off running back towards the palace. Now he had hope. There was someone here that could rival the power of the Emperor. All he had to do was find him and this could all be over soon.

In a dark cold room, Enar Ryad sat crossed legged as he held himself three feet of the floor in meditation. His senses were keen and stretched out to feel any dark disturbances in the Force. He was searching for the ship of Achem Aldmoss. He had tracked it to Osas IV where he had gone to collect his tribute from the inhabitants. His ship was full precious metals and gems, riches he had collected from mthe many worlds he had visited. Now he was on his way home to Omari II for he felt that something was wrong and his empire was in danger.
With a grim smile, Enar Ryad opened his bright yellow eyes and lowered himself down to the floor.
"He returns."
Standing up, Enar reaches out for his cloak and with the Force pulls it from the rack to settle itself around his neck. Turning to the door, he walks out and down through the palace. It was time for him to face his master and put an end to his madness.

When Rein woke up, he opened his eyes and found he was chained to a wall in an interrogation room. His vision was still a bit fuzzy but he could hear people talking.
"Why are these people so important?"
"Because they were on Nimoss and they may know about the power resonators Darth Sularr planted in the churches."
"So what if they do." A voice said. "There's nothing they can do."
"Fool! One of them is a Jedi. If he finds out, it could ruin the Emperor's plans. They could send word to all the planets and every church and resonator could be destroyed. we have to find out what they know. Watch him up."
A trooper grabbed a pitcher of water of the table a threw it at Rein.
Soaked, Rein shook his head and looked around.
"Where am I?"
"Right where you belong." Said a familiar voice. Rein closed his eyes and blinked a few times to clear them. When he opened them again, he was staring into the eyes of Commander Hinemo Nalos and two other troopers.
"Remember me?"
"Let me guess." Rein said. "My fairy godmother?"
Commander Nalos slapped him across his face. "Guess again."
"The big bad wolf?" Rein smiled.
"You're very funny." Commander Nalos said as he hit him again. "You didn't expect to see me again did you?"
"Sure I did." Rein spit out a wad of blood. "You promised to take me to the dance didn't you?"
"I have a dance for you." He hit him in his stomach the a right to his chin.
"You hit like a girl." Rein laughed.
"Where are your friends?" He asked.
"You know you're my only friend Commander." Rein said with a smile. "I missed you."
"Perhaps this can lighten your tongue." Commander Nalos waved one of the troopers forward. The trooper had a stun rod in his hand. He clicked the power on and Rein heard the hum of the electricity as it ran through the rod. He walked over to Rein and placed it to his chest. He screamed and flinched as the electricity ran through his body. The troopers laughed as Rein screamed. When he took it away, Rein fell back gasping for breath.
"Now." Commander Nalos said. He knelt down to face Rein. "I'll ask you again. Where are your friends? The Jedi and the Wookiee?"
"What Jedi?" Rein said as he lifted his head to look at the Commander.
"Give him some more." Commander Nalos stood up. The troop reached out to touch Rein again
"I think not." Said a voice from behind them. Suddenly the trooper slammed the rod into Nalos's back. He screamed as Kylan's light saber flashed and sliced down at a trooper. With a kick, he sent another trooper to the floor and stepped up on Commander Nalos. Quickly Nalos grabbed the blaster at his side and fired two shots at Kylan. Swinging out with speed and precision, Kylan deflected the blaster then sliced down and through the Commanders neck killing him.
"My hero." Rein smiled as Kylan sliced off his bond and he fell into his arms. Kylan smiled at him then pulled him into a deep kiss. Rein held on to him tightly as they're tongues danced in each others mouth.
"I could get use to that." Rein said as he was lifted to his feet.
"Can you walk?" Kylan still held on to him.
"I think so. Have you found your niece yet?"
"No." Kylan said. "But she's here somewhere in the palace. I can feel her presence. Once I find her we can get out of here."
"There's something else you should know."
"What's that?" Kylan asked.
"It's about those churches the Empire built all over the Empire." Rein said. "Come on and I'll explain what I heard."

Ameria sat quietly in her room. She had been bathed and feed the dressed in beautiful gown of black and silver. Damon had even sent someone to cut and trim her hair. She looked in the mirror and hated what she saw, but fighting would have been useless. The emperor would get his way no matter what she wanted. Her only hope was Teos finding some way to get her out of there. But where was he? She hadn't seen him since he left her at the space port. She was beginning to get worried. The Emperor could call for her at any minute.
Feeling depressed, she got up and went over to the huge picture window and looked out at the greenery of Omari. It was a beautiful planet with its tall trees with huge wide leaves and flowers. If it weren't for the empire, this would be a lovely place.
Just then, Teos came in and quietly shut the door behind him and hurried over to her .
"I must ask you a question."
"Yes?" She said as she turned to him. "What is it?"
"Who is Kylan?"
She was surprised when she heard her uncles name. "He is my uncle. He's a Jedi master. Where did you hear his name?"
"He's here somewhere." Teos told her. "He's here looking for you. Do you think he can get us out of here?"
"Yes!" Ameria hugged Teos. "You have to find him and bring him to me before it's to late."
"How?" Teos asked. "I have no idea how to find him. He could be anywhere in miles of halls and chambers."
"I can find him." She released his hand. "All I have to do is call."
"Then hurry. I don't know how much time we have."
Ameria sat back in her chair and thought about the lessons her uncle had taught her. How to relax, how to meditate, how to let the power of the Force flow through her. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind and let her consciousness roam.
[Uncle? Are you there?]
[Ameria? I'm here. Where are you?]
[I don't know.] She sent. [But I'm somewhere here in the palace. I need your help to get away from here.]
[Be calm Ameria. I'm going to find you.]
"Ask your uncle where he is." Teos whispered.
[Uncle, where are you?]
[I'm in the security area.]
"I know where that is." Teos smiled. "Tell him I'm coming to get him. I'll bring him back here."
[I'm sending a friend to come find you. Stay low until he gets there.]
[Tell him to hurry.]
"Go!" Ameria waved him off. "And hurry!"

Teos hurried though the palace down into the administration building. From there, he went down into the security halls and offices. There he had to slow down. There were to many security officers coming in and going about their business for his taste. He was here looking for a rebel to the empire, any one of these officers would kill to get a hold of him.
As Teos walked down the hall, troopers watched wondering what he was doing there. A trooper stopped him and ordered him to explain his presence there in the security section.
"I'm here on the emperor's business." Teos said sternly. "And I will not be explaining to you or anyone else. Now get out of my way!!"
The trooper stepped aside and Teos went on his way. But he watched him as he walked off don't the corridor.
After Teos left the trooper, he hurried on and down two more levels to the holding cells where Ameria said Kylan was waiting. There was a trooper there standing guard. Teos walked on pass him and checked the holding cells. In the fifth one, he found two troopers. One looked like he was hurt. Teos was about to move on when a trooper called his name.
"Teos?" Kylan stepped forward to meet Teos. "Are you Teos?"
"Yes I am." Teos said. "I can take you to Ameria."
"Is she safe?"
"Yes." He said. "For now."
"Then there's somewhere else I need to go first." Kylan went back and helped Rein to his feet. "Darth Sularr and your emperor installed power resonators all through the empire to steal the life force from the people. I must find out where those resonators are and destroy them. I can't let the emperor use that power. He would become impossible to stop. Do you know anything about this?"
"Maybe." He thought about Sularr's movements since he returned to Omari II. "When Sularr returned, he spent the day installing strange machinery in the throne room. I didn't get much of a look, but he said it was all at the Emperor's command. It was after that when he declared the Emperor a mad man and decided to take his place."
"Can you get me into the throne room?"
"Yes, I think so."
"You mean us don't you?" Rein said. "I'm going with you."
"No." Kylan said as he took Rein's hand. "I have to do this, but I want you somewhere safe. Rein, I want this to be the beginning of something real between us. So I want you to go find Ameria and get her out of the palace. Will you do that for me?"
"You'll be OK?"
"I'll be fine. Kylan smiled.
"You promise?"
"I promise." Kylan pulled him into a kiss. "Is that better?"
"It'll do for now." Rein laughed.
"OK." Kylan straightened Rein's uniform. "Teos, lead us out of here."

After the explosion of the pyramid, Nae'shail went back to the Wookiee compound. It was time for the Wookiee's to take a stand. Once he was back at the barracks, he told everyone it was time they went home. He slipped out and went from barracks to barrack spreading the word. The word was rebellion.

The night was cold as Enar Ryad stood on the platform high above the palace and waited for the Emperor's ship to land. He watched as the wind blew the flags of the empire. He was anxious to get this over. It was time for the apprentice to prove his might by taking out his master. As the ship came down to land, Enar stepped up on the platform and readied himself for the final fight of Achem Aldmos.
As the landing ramp came down, Enar placed his hand to his side to re assure himself that his light saber was still there at his side. He looked up the ramp as dark fog came streaming out and covered the landing strip. Dressed in his dark cloak, Achem Aldmos stepped out on the ramp and gazed down at his apprentice. Slowly he walked down the ramp and out onto the platform and stopped opposite Enar. His eyes blazed red with the power of the Force.
"Achem Aldmos." Enar took a step forward and pushed his cloak back out of the way to reveal his light saber. "Your days leading this empire are over. You are no longer my master."
"And you think you can defeat me?" Aldmos said in a grim deep voice. "You think you can take my place as the emperor? That day will never come!"
"That day." Enar raised his hands at Aldmos." Is here today!!"

As Teos lead Kylan through the hall, troopers saluted and moved quickly out of their way. At the door to the throne room, two trooper stepped out to block their way. Teos argued with them, insisting the they were there at the emperor's orders. The guards refused to allow them entry and pulled there blasters. Kylan stepped in front of Teos with his hand out.
"Calm yourself." He said. "You have done a fine job in protecting your Emperor. But the days of the Zygerrian empire are over. Stand aside and let us pass."
Mesmerized, the two troopers dropped their guard and stepped aside. Kylan took another step ahead then gave them one last order.
The trooper closed their eyes and fell against the wall and slowly slid down in a heap on the floor. Teos looked at them surprised. He had seen both the Emperor and Lord Sularr use the Force before. But always in a destructive way. Never with compassion and mercy. They would have killed anyone in their way.
Teos reached out and pulled the door to the throne room open, then went in.
"This way." He said. Kylan followed him into the dark chamber.
The throne room to the Zygerrian empire was a large dark chamber with high ceilings and dark cold stone walls. There was a red carpet that led from the door to the throne in the exact center of the room. In a half circle around the throne, there was an array of machinery with cables that ran to connect to the back of the throne. On the walls there was a display of ancient war weapons. Hammers and axes, swords and shields.
"Is this what your looking for?" Teos asked.
"Yes." Kylan nodded. "I can feel the strength of the Force here in this room. It's like the lives of hundreds of millions of people all right here for the Emperor to use."
"Then let's destroy it so he can't hurt anyone else." Teos looked around for something he could use as a weapon. He saw the hammers and went and grabbed one. "This is for every life you destroyed. Every world you tore apart."
"Wait!" Kylan put his hand on Teos shoulder to stop him. "There's something else. This throne has been used. The dark one, Sularr. He sat here and absorbed power. He must be stopped or he will become ten times worst the Achem Aldmos."
"What do we do?" Teos dropped the hammer.
"There's only one thing to do." Kylan stepped up to the throne then turned back to Teos. He took his light saber from his side and gave it to Teos. "If this goes wrong and I come out on the dark side, I want you to destroy me. Do it quick, I don't ever want to hurt anyone. Please tell Ameria and Rein that I love them very much."
Then Kylan sat down and began to scream.

High in orbit over Omari II.

In a flash of light high over Omari II, the New Republic's Armada dropped out of hyper space. In his command chair aboard the Rougestar, General Tortan ordered a scan of the surface.
"Lt Walden. These are the right co ordinance from the signal?"
"Yes sir."
"Scan for Wookiee life signs." Gen Tortan said. "I want to know exactly where they are."
"Scanning." Lt Walden went to the science station and gave the order. Ensign Ryen initiate a scan of the surface.
"What have you found Ensign?"
"The Wookiee's are all located in one area Sir. It looks like a highly secure compound of some kind. My scans detect pulse cannons and some sort of force fence. We found them Sir."
"I want infiltration teams ready in ten minutes." Gen Tortan ordered. "Lieutenant, your in command. Body armor and pulse rifles, you're authorized to do whatever it takes to get the Wookiee's free. Keep me advised at all times."
"Yes Sir!!" Lt Walden called for security troops on all ships to be ready to launch in ten minutes and he left the bridge.
"Weapons on stand by."' Gen Tortan ordered. "I want any ship that leaves or approaches the planet stopped and taken into custody. You have you orders. Everyone to your battle stations!"

As blue lightning flared from Aldmos, Enar created a force shield to block his strike. It hit his shield like a forcing him down and back as Enar held on. Aldmos laughed hysterically as Enar went down to his knees. He thought his power was supreme and no one, especially his apprentice could stand against him.
"Now you will learn it means to anger a god!" His eyes flashed his he sent another burst of power at Enar. Enar strengthened his shield as Aldmos laughed. He stepped forward and walked around Enar.
"You thought you could oppose me!" He zapped Enar again. "You thought you could steal my empire out from under me! You thought me weak, to weak to hold power! But I am Achem Aldmos, Emperor and god of the Zygerria and this whole galaxy! No one can defeat me!!"
"I can defeat you!!" Enar stood up and sent his own blast of red energy at Aldmos. It flashed out and struck Aldmos knocking him off his feet. Aldmos scrambled back up surprised that Enar had hurt him. "You seem surprised. Did you really think I would stay a lackey to your mad crazy plans? You knew sooner or later I would turn on you and take all that you have for myself. Well, that day has come!"
Like two angry Garrals, the masters of the dark Force circled each other looking for an opening. Then together they blasted each other. Red and blue energy blasted out to meet between them rumbling like thunder. For a second, it looked as if Aldmos was winning and the blue energy was advancing on Enar. Then it changed and the red was moving down on Aldmos. It went back and forth for a few minutes until finally the red energy overcame Aldmos and he screamed in pain. As Enar's red energy overwhelmed him, Aldmos fell to the ground and rolled in pain as the power of the Force burned through every vein and muscle. Aldmos couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He had reigned for two hundred years subjecting thirty or forty worlds to his domination. How could it be over now? How could the Force have failed him? He looked up to see Enar standing over him.
"You want to know how?" Enar raised Aldmos up frozen in his power to face him. "Your madness is your downfall. It makes you weak, too weak to stand up to me. So another god falls. Farewell Achem Aldmos."
Enar Ryad blasted the former emperor to dust and he died screaming as he began to fade away.

It was quiet at the gate as Nae’shail slipped out from building to building until he stood staring up at the first of six watch towers. Two troopers manned the tower. He wasn’t sure if what he planned would work, but he had to try. His people’s life depended on it.
Nae'shai looked up to the watch tower and calmed himself. One trooper stood staring into the compound with binoculars. As he watched, his partner stood at the pulse cannon taking shots at anything that moved in the secure area. He rained down pulse fire into the compound sometimes hitting one of the Omarians or a Wookiee if they were caught out in the open. This is what they sometimes did for amusement. These Zygerrians could be sadistically mean.
Nae'shail stared up concentrating on the one at the cannon. He took hold of his mind and looked out through his eyes. The trooper with the binoculars was jabbering on about something Nae'shail couldn’t hear and didn’t care about. Once he had him under his control, Nae'shail reached down and pulled his blaster and aimed at the trooper. With two shots, the trooper fell and Nae'shail had him throw his blaster over the side and move back to the pulse cannon. He turned it towards the watch tower across from him and had him fire. Pulse blasts rained down on the other four towers destroying the cannons and taking out the troopers that manned the towers. Then Nae'shail had him aim at the generators that provided power to the force fences that surrounded the compounds. Sirens blared as troopers searched the sky for attack vehicles that weren’t there. With his last push of power, Nae'shail sent the trooper sailing over the towers side to plunge to the ground and his death. With a howl he signaled his people to attack. Wookiee’s armed with picks, shoves and axes charged out and at the gates. It only took a matter of minutes for them to tear the gate down and they were into the Omarian compound then out into the Zygerrian complex and city. Zygerrians fell like toy soldiers at the hands of the Wookiee’s. By the time they reached the space port, soldiers of the Republic had arrived to join the fight. Nae'shail with his uncle Chorrr headed straight for the palace and their friends inside the palace.

Everything was crazy in the city and palace of the Zygerrian empire. Trooper were every blasting out windows and manning the palace defenses. As Teos ran through the palace, he saw Republic assault ships zipping around firing on Empire assault tanks and fighter ships. Wookiee’s had gained weapons and were attacking the armories, the trooper barracks and the administration buildings. They soon would be here in the palace. Teos had to get to America to get her to safety.

From the throne room, Teos hurried through the halls. He went up three levels to the living areas where he had left America. He had told Rein to watch for he with America and he would come to lead them out. When he reached Ameria’s room, he found her passed, but Rein was nowhere to be found. Teos hurried to her to wake her up.
"Ameria." He litely tapped at her face to wake her up. "Are you OK?"
"Yes." She said as she woke up. "I'm fine, but there was someone here. He said Uncle sent him."
"He was telling you the truth." Teos smiled. "Your uncle did send him. What happened to him?"
"Another trooper came." Teos helped her up on her feet while she explained. "He wanted to take me with him, but the smaller trooper stopped him. He was protecting me. The taller one said he would be back for me once he killed the short trooper. He called him
Rein. We have to find him and save him!"
"Getting you out of here comes first." Teos said. "That's an order from your uncle. He can save Rein."
"Then I have to tell him." She said. "Or no one will save him."
[Uncle, Rein was taken.]
[By who?" Kylan's thought were ten times more clearer this time. Ameria knew something was different about her uncle. [A Zygerrian trooper. He knew his name.]
[Nalos.] Kylan said. [You and Teos get out of the palace and find some place safe. I will find him.]
"We can go now."
Teos took her out of the room and down the hall to the left. They could hear explosions going off all around them, then the lift came and they jumped in and ordered it to take them down. As the lift swiftly dropped down, Teos took Ameria in his arms and held her. When it reached the bottom, the doors opened and three Zygerrian troopers were standing there firing out into the lobby. The Zygerrians grabbed them and pulled them out. Ameria screamed as Teos fought them trying to get her free. Using the Force, Ameria slammed one of the troopers into a wall then turned to the one holding her. She was about to throw him across the room when the trooper hit her knocking her out. Teos screamed her name and doubled his efforts to get to her. Just then, a huge red furred Wookiee came running down the hall towards them. He roared and cast out his hands at the troopers. The trooper holding Ameria lifted up off the floor and was slammed twice into the wall at his side. The trooper holding Teos dropped him and pulled his pulse rifle up to fire at Nae'shail. The Wookiee roared then grabbed him by the arm nearly jerking it off and slammed the trooper into a nearby wall. Teos heard the troopers back snap as he hit the wall and fall on the floor. Free from the troopers hold, Teos knelt and picked Ameria up. He looked up at the Wookiee and said.
"Thank you."
[Come, I get you out.]

"I thought we had finished with you." Rein said as they walked through the broken ruins of the security building.
"Not quite." Commander Nalos said. "But this will be the end. The Empire is falling. The Republic is here and there is no escape. But there is still one pleasure left."
"What's that?" Rein asked. "Found your teddy bear?"
"Always with the jokes." They stopped just inside a chamber that looked like some kind of medical bay. "This time the joke will be on you."
"I'm not laughing." Rein said.
"Neither am I." Said a voice behind Commander Nalos. He turned quickly and fired his blaster at the intruder. The shot blasted out and was caught in the hand of Enar Ryad and deflected away.
"Darth Sularr!" Commander Nalos said still aiming his blaster at him. "The Empire is done. This one is mine to kill."
"I don't think so." Enar stepped out into the chamber. "I am Emperor of what is left of the Empire and that makes him mine!"
"Then let me be the first to say I quit! Commander raised his blasted and fired a series of shots at the Emperor. Enar covered himself with a red shield of power then cast it out at the Commander ton surround him. Like a vice the energy began to shrink in on itself and crush the Commander. He screamed as his body was broken and crushed down to a little ball then tossed aside.
"Now." Enar stepped up to Rein. "What shall I do with you?"
"You're going to let him go." Kylan said as he stepped into the room to face Enar Ryad.
"A Jedi?" Enar laughed. "I remember you. We met long ago on Altares V. I thought you were dead."
"I guess not." Kylan waved his hand at Rein and made the cuffs around his wrist drop off. "Go my love. Get out of here. I'll take care of this."
"I want to stay here with you." Rein said as he rubbed his wrist. "I'm not afraid of him."
"You should be." Enar laughed as his eyes glowed yellow. "You will be."
"Do as I say and go." Kylan told him. "I will be fine. Get Ameria and Teos on a ship. I will find you once I'm done here."
"Promise?" Rein asked.
"I promise."
Rein left the chamber leaving them alone staring at each other. Enar reached up and took off his cloak and dropped it on the floor and put his hand to his light saber.
"If I remember correctly." Enar pulled his light saber and turned it on. A blue blade flashed to life. "You were very good with your blade."
"As were you." Kylan's white blade flashed to life. "Shall we?"
Enar rushed forward swinging in at Kylan's head. Kylan blocked then swung across at Enar's chest. Their blades clashed and sparks rang out. Jumping high, Enar leaped over Kylan and swung a chop down to split his skull. Kylan's blade spun in the air deflecting Enar's chop. As Enar came down, Kylan kicked out connecting with his back and sent him flying across the chamber. Sending a force wave at the wall, Enar caught himself, flipped in the air and bounced back ready to fight.

"It will not be that easy to defeat me." Enar sneered as they circled each other. Kylan was quietly going over battle strategies in his mind. Enar dived forward at Kylan, stabbing at him then sweeping down at his legs. Kylan leaped up and snapped a kick at Enar's face. It hit him in his chin snapping his head back. Enar staggered back with blood running from his mouth. He wiped the blood away, there reached out with the Force to slam Kylan into a wall. Kylan held on strong using the Force to anchor himself to the floor.
"That won't work." Kylan said calmly. "I'm just as powerful as you are if not stronger. I fight for right and justice and freedom. You fight for domination and enslavement of the free worlds. The light will always overcome the darkness!"
"We shall see about that!!" Enar reached out and grabbed a block of stone and sent it at Kylan. Kylan deflected the block as Enar leaped in to attack. His blue blade swung in again for a head slice. Kylan's blade shot up to intercept the blow. As they stood there holding their blades in the air, energy crackled and popped sending sparks flying. Enar kicked out at Kylan hitting him in the chest and forcing him back.
"Now you die!!"
Enar raised his blade and dived at Kylan. Kylan ducked down and lifted his light saber and sliced right through Enar's chest cutting him open from his neck to his stomach. Enar crashed heavily to the floor, blood running out in streams. Kylan stood up and turned back to Enar who lay there mortally wounded.
"Is this to be how it ends?" Enar choked as blood ran from his mouth. "The Dark will raise again one day. We will control the entire galaxy, I have seen it."
"Not today." Kylan said as Enar Ryad let go of his last breathe. "Not today."

"Where is he? Rein said worried as he paced back and forth in front of one of Lt Walden's landing crafts. "I never should have left him. I should have stayed right there!"
"Calm down Rein." Ameria said. She stood there with Teos's arm around her neck. "He'll be ok. He has the Force on his side."
"I wish you people would stop talking about the Force!" Rein yelled. "I don't know about any Force. What I believe in I left up there facing a crazy dark fiend. I should never have left him."
"He will prevail." Nae'shail barked. "Trust in Kylan. I do."
"I'm going in to find him." As Rein turned Kylan came walking up of the ruins. When Rein saw him, he ran straight into his arms and a huge kiss.
"I hear you don't believe in the Force." Kylan smiled.
"I'll believe in anything you want me to as long as you stay with me."
"That was my plan." He said. "Let's go home."

                                                                                  THE END