Sunday, December 4, 2016

Redemption II.

Well, it’s that time of years again. Its Christmas the season of joy and goodwill. I mean joy for some of us. For me it’s something different. My name is Jason Stockard and I have a tale for you. Christmas lately has been pretty depressing for me. Don’t get me wrong, as a kid I use to love Christmas. I would walk the dog and make my list and mail it to the North Pole every year. I tried to be good, but sometimes like all of my friends, I’d screw up and get in some kinda trouble. But during September through December, I was a poster child for good behavior. I even went Christmas caroling which my friends all frowned upon. One year I worked a clothing drive for our local Salvation Army. My mother said I was over doing it but, what the heck, It had been fun and it was for a good cause. 
As I got older it changed. I guess at around 12 I stopped believing in Santa Claus and Christmas. That year my parents died in a plane crash and I was sent to live with my Aunt Fran. I loved my aunt Fran, but at that time in my life, I was a hand full. We use to sneak beer from a friends dad and get blasted. One weekend I got so drunk, I woke up in the park with no pants on. That one was tough to explain to the police that found me. Aunt Fran was so disappointed in me, she barely talked with me for almost two weeks after that one.
After that, you would think I’d calm down and change my behavior. But not me. No sir not me. I cared more about my drinking and not getting caught. High school for me was crazy. Yeah I did well in my classes but my behavior was off the wall. I started treating Aunt Fran really rudely. Now that I’m looking back, I can't see how she put up with me, I got toasted almost every weekend. I know she had to carry me in and put me to bed more then I’d like to admit. I would apologize of course but be right back in the bottle the next week.
Somehow I managed to get accepted at Rutgers University. I did OK there. I pledged Kappa Iota Pi and tried my best to stay on the straight and narrow. I was doing well until the night I saw the most beautiful blonde I’d ever seen in my life. I nudged a friend and found out who she was and that she was new here at Rutgers. She was a sociology student here to finish her Bachelor’s degree. She was here tonight with a few of her sisters from the Delta Lamda house. It took me more than an hour to work up the courage to approach one of her sisters to get an introduction.
I stood and watched from the other side of the room as Cara approached and whispered in her ear, all the sound in the room for me stopped. All the music, the talking and laughter for me stopped. All I heard was a buzzing in my ears as she turned, smiled and waved at me. I put down my beer and pushed my way through the crown to go and say hi. Right there and then, I know I had just met the girl I would love for the rest of my life.
For the next four years we dated on and off. We would break up and get right back together. It’s funny because no matter what we did, we couldn’t seem to stay apart. I guess we were meant to be together.
 After we graduated, we moved to a small town in Vermont. I got a job in the BMC bank as an associate, while Irena took a job teaching in one of the local middle schools. We were doing OK. The bills were getting paid, we ate out occasional and keep in touch with close friends and family. One night we were lying in bed, Irena was grading papers and I had just finished some paper work. I closed the folder and looked over at Irena. She looked so beautiful and innocent, I almost stared crying. At that moment I knew I couldn’t bear to live without her. I reached over and too the folder from her hand and told her I loved her. She smiled and kissed me saying she knew that. Then I asked her the most important of our lives. I asked her to marry me. She looked back at with those deep blue teary eyes and said yes. We made intense love that night. The most passionate ever. I didn’t know it but that was also the night Christopher Ryan Stockard was conceived.
Three months later we stood together in front of all of our friends and family and said our vows to be faithful and to love each other for the rest of our lives. There is one small detail I forgot. Our wedding day was on Christmas. Yeah it sure was. We had it at the city park in the evening during a lite snow storm. Everything looked so beautiful. The park was covered with the years first snow. There was white roses and carnations and lilies spread all around the altar we had brought in. I was dressed in a white tux with white over coat. Irena looked so beautiful coming down the aisle, it took my breath away and I completely froze up for a seconds.
As the minister spoke, I never took my eyes off of her. I was so lost in my loves eyes, I really didn’t hear much of what he was saying. Her smile was just so beautiful, I could’ve stood there forever. After the I do’s we were all off to the reception. It really was an amazing night that I will never forget.
OK, so finally we were married and off on our honeymoon which I don’t have to say was awesome. We did a week in Paris strolling around looking at museums, eating at little cafes, drinking wine and eating cheese. On our last night we spent the night at a little cafe at a table watching gondolas under moon lite. It was really romantic.
After we returned home, life went on at a pretty normal pace. Irena was pregnant so she stared getting bigger. She had the strangest of cravings. She turned into a Mexican food junkie. I was in every Mexican restaurant in Vermont. For 6 months it was either Mexican food or sardines in mustard. YUCK!!! She ate cases of the stuff. Sometimes I think I can still smell it.
Two months before Christopher was born, the bank transferred me to Stonington Maine. With the transfer, I also got a raise. I was to be the associate vice president of the office in Stonington. There was a pretty big party that night. Everything just seemed perfect for us. We bought a nice house which Irena loved decorating. I have to say she did a pretty good job. It wasn’t lavish at all. She stay on budget except for the baby’s room. There she went all out. But that was OK. As long as she was happy, I didn't
mind. Christopher Ryan was born on the 7th of June. You should’ve seen how nervous I was. I ran around that hospital like a lunatic. I even managed to get myself lost somewhere on the 5th floor. Don’t know how I did it since the Maternity ward was on the second floor. I ended up having one of the security guys escort me back down. I made it just in time for my son’s birth. You think I was nervous at the wedding? You should have been there when they put the baby in my arms. I swear he was the most beautiful baby ever born. I cried as I took him in to his mother. This was my family. All mine and I couldn’t believe how much I loved them. It was my job to provide for them and keep them safe
Three days later, we took Christopher home to a house full of friends and neighbors. Irena looked like a proud Queen showing off her new Prince for the first time. I have to admit, I was pretty proud to. He looked like angel sitting there in her arms. That day I swore nothing would ever hurt my family. Not if I can help it.
Days and weeks passed by and turned into years. We were all pretty happy. Christopher got bigger and bigger. I watched as he went from a baby to a toddler, then it was his first day at school. Irena and I packed him a little back pack and took him crying out to his first day of Kindergarten. I have to tell you it was hard watching him cry telling us he didn’t want to go. I just couldn’t convince him that it was only for a few hours. But I did it. I stood there with Irena and watched as he was taken inside and the doors were closed. That day I had taken the day off from work. I wanted to be there to pick him up when school was over. My boy had the biggest smile when he came running out of the playground. He grabbed me and held me as tight as he could. Again, I almost burst into tears right there.
That was his first day, after that it was a lot easier. It seems he liked school and made friends pretty easy. Over the years we were in Cub Scouts then the Boys Scouts. I had a ball taking Chris and his troops out for different activities. With my help and on his own, he received a lot of merit badges. I was really proud of the boy I raised. We had a pretty good life, until the third week of June in 2013. That was the day our lives went to hell.
June 17th started out just like e very other day. Irena woke me at 8am. I yawn and kissed her good morning, then went into the bathroom to do my morning business. I pissed, washed my hands. I brushed my teeth and was ready to take on the day. After leaving the bathroom I went to wake Chris up. As I stepped into his room, I looked down at him as he slept. I smile as I heard him snoring. I loved that boy so much, I hated to wake him, but he had school. Gently I shook him and called his name. He woke up and stretched as he looked up at me.
“Good morning Ducky.” I said. “Time to get up, you have school today.”
“Morning Dad.” He sat up and swung his legs over the bed. “Are you working today?”
“Yeah.” I said. “I have a meeting at 10 so if you want a ride you’d better get a move on.”
“Will you be busy all day?” He asked as he went and grabbed the clothes his mother had set out for him last night.
“Not really." I said as he started for his bathroom. “Why, is there something you need me to do?”
“The guys and I noticed that Shawn Kirby was going to be at the bookstore signing his book.”
“And?” I asked.
“Well. We need and adult to come with us.” I heard him say from the bathroom. “I told the guys you would do it.”
“Don’t you think you should ask me before you volunteer me to do something? I mean what If I was busy?”
“I didn’t tell them you’d do it.” He said. “I told them I would ask. Josh is asking his dad too.”
“If Mr. Bush can’t do it.” I said. “I guess I can take a few minutes. Besides there’s a new Adam Osbourne book out I want. This will give me a chance to browse the shelfs.”
“That’s great.” I heard the shower come on. “It’s after school. We’ll be waiting at the Gym.”
“You better hurry in there.”
“I will.”
I smiled as I left is room and went and showered. Irena was downstairs. I could smile the bacon cooking. It smelled good. I better hurry so I can eat.
As I undressed and stepped into the shower, I heard our door bell ring. I wondered who it could be this early. As I soaped myself up, I heard Irena calling my name.
“I’ll be right down.” I said as I stepped from the shower and dried myself off. I went into our room and put on clean underwear and a T-shirt and jeans. Today was going to be a casual day. I wanted to be comfortable. After slipping on a pair of running shoes I made my way downstairs.
As I walked down the stairs, I noticed the two police men standing in my foyer.
“Good morning.” I said. “What can I do for you?”
“Are you Jason Stockard of the BMC bank?” One of the officers asked
“Yes.” I said.  “What can I help you with?”
“You’re under arrest for bank fraud and grand theft. Please put your hands up.”
As one of the officers stepped behind me and put cuffs on, the other started reading me my rights.  Irena walked of the kitchen and saw this going on, she ran to my side. One of the officers strong armed her to keep her from interfering.
“What the hell is this about?” I asked. “Bank fraud? What bank?”
“You are the Jason Stockard from BMC bank. Correct?”
“Yes.” I said. “I work there.”
“This morning the president of the bank reported that there was a robbery last night. You were the last one there. It was your code that was put into the vault to open the door.”
“Dad!” Christopher called as he ran down the stairs. “What’s going on? Let my dad go!” Irena grabbed him before he got to me.
“Let me go Mom!” He cried. “We have to stop them!”
“No Chris!“ I said. “It’s ok. There’s been some kind of mistake. I’ll go with them and straighten this all out. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
That’s what I thought as they took my away. From the backseat of the squad car, I watched my family as they took me away.
That was the beginning of three years hell. When we go to the station, I was official booked. They took my photo and my prints placed me in a cell. I was there for two days until my arraignment and I pleaded not guilty to the crime. Thankfully my bail wasn’t too high and my lawyer was able to get me out.
Don’t ask me how, but the night before someone used my vault code to take $50.000 from out of the back. I was fired and arrested for the theft. As I worked into the bank after my release, no one would look at me. They all thought I had done it. I made my way to my office and found it locked. From there I went to the bank president’s office to try and get some answers. Before I could get there, bank security stopped me and handed me all my personal things and I was asked to leave.
That was two years ago. Since then everything went downhill. Since the only proof they had was my code being used, the bank dropped all the charges. But my life was ruined. I was fired and couldn’t get a job anywhere. From that day on people treat me like a criminal. I lost all my friends, Chris’s school asked that we remove him and place him somewhere else. He lost all his friends, none of the parents wanted their child to associate with us. Day by day I could see the anger and depression moving in on him. He know I didn’t steal the money, but we were still treated like outcasts. Luckily, Irena was about to keep her job, but it wasn’t enough to pay the bills and keep up with the mortgage. We lost the house and had to move into a small apartment on the west said of town. Every day I was out job hunting, but where do you go when everyone thinks you’re a crook? I couldn’t even get a job mopping floors at a Mc Donald’s. It was getting that bad.
A few weeks ago I was waiting for word after another dismal interview when I looked out the window and saw my car being towed away. FUCK! I thought to myself. I put $2.00 worth of change in the meter, I can’t believe this was happening. I jumped up and ran the door just as the tow truck was driving away. Could my luck get any worse?
Then I heard someone behind me call my name. It was the personal manager that I had been waiting for and he didn’t have a very nice smile on his face.
“I’m sorry Mr. Stockard but we don’t have anything for you. We’ll give you a call if anything opens up. Have a nice day.”
As he turned to go back to his office, I saw him drop my application in a waste basket.
With a sad face I turned and headed out the exit. I had to keep trying. After all, it can’t rain every day. Sooner or later the sun has to come out, right?
As I walked away, it started to rain. Damn it! I had an umbrella, but it was in the back seat of the car that was towed away. As I looked up at the gray stormy cloud, I screamed out in my head.
“Can it possibly get any worse?”
That’s when I heard the horn as a car ran right into me and knocked me back off my feet and into the park bushes and I saw stars.
It was dark when I woke up. There wasn’t much traffic on the streets. I sat up and shook my head to clear away the cobwebs. Where was I and what was I doing laying here in the wet grass? Then I remembered what had happened and where I was. I had been hit a car and knocked out flat. As I looked up at the gray clouds, I wished it had killed me. Then Irena and Chris would at least get the $75.000 from my life insurance.
Down and depressed, I made my way north from the park and into the city. I was getting desperate. Somewhere he in this city, there had to be a job for him. He would take anything. He didn’t mind mopping floors or washing dishes. Anything would do.
As I walked, my mind was elsewhere. I was thinking more about the bills that were piling up then where I was going. The next month’s rent, the power and water bills. Thank god they didn’t have cable anymore. That was a $200 problem he didn’t miss at all. Through Chris did. He had walked in last night and saw him lying there in front of the old flat screen looking depressed. I apologized to him and told him I would try getting it back on next month. He smiled and said it was OK and that he could do without it. Sadly I turned and went back to the front porch to wait for Irena to return from the food pantry. Once a month, either me or Irena would go out to the four charity food programs to bring back what groceries we could gather.
As I stepped off the curb, a tan Grand Prix shapely made the turn and for the second time today, I was almost hit and knocked back down on my ass. The driver screamed out the window for me to watch where I was going. Yeah, sure I thought not that it really mattered. Maybe death would be a good thing for my family. It would pay the bills and give Irena and Chris a chance to have a better life.
As I walked past a brightly lit porn shop, a man dressed in a dark Zoot suit stepped out to block my way. I said excuse me and tried to walk around him when he held out his to stop me. Confused, I looked up at the shape dressed man as he smiled and took of his hat and bowed to me.
“Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste.”
“Huh?” I stared at him confused.
“Sorry.” He said. “It’s just an old joke. My name is Scratch, Nicolas Scratch and I think you’ve been looking for me.”
“I’m sorry.” I said. “You’re who?”
“I’m the man you’ve been looking for.” He said. “I’m the answer to all your problems.”
I looked at him closer. He was dressed in an Immaculate black suit and white suit with shoes that shined some much they were like mirrors.
On his head he wore a black fedora with a long pheasant feather trailing behind him. I have to admit he looked shape in that suit as swung his keys on the golden chain. But what did he want and how could he answer any of my problems?
“I think you have the wrong person.” I said as I stepped back to turn away.
“Jason Michael Stockard right?”
I nodded my head as my mouth dropped open in shock. He had a devious grin on his face like he knew everything.
“I’ve been watching you and your family for a long time. I was even there the day your son was born. Really cute kid I have to say.”
I can’t believe this. Whoever he is, he talks like he actually knows me.
“Excuse me Mr. Scratch.” I said. “But are you telling me you’ve been watching me and my family?”
“Yes.” He said. “I knew this day would come and you would need my help. So here I am, ready to give all that you think you deserve. The job, the money, the respect of others. I can even tell you who it was that set up for the bank robbery. I knew you’d like that.”
I looked at the slick smooth operator. He smiled at me as I watched the flames dance in his eyes. I could almost feel the heat from where I was standing.
“And what do you want for your help?” I asked.
“Nothing really” He said. “I’ll give you three things. I’ll make you a success, you’ll have riches beyond belief, and you’ll be famous. For these three things, all I want is your soul.”
At that moment I knew exactly who it was that I was talking to. This shape man standing in front of offering me the world was the Devil. Satan, Diablo, Lucifer the fallen angel and the master of hell. I took a step back as he through back his head started laughing.
“The master of hell?” he reached into his lapel pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He took one out of the pack and put in his mouth. With a snap of his finger, the end burst into flames. With a wink at me he took a drag and blew the smoke out.
“Now as I was saying. I’m prepared to give you all you life’s dreams and all I want is your soul. It’s such a small thing. It’s nothing really. What do you say?”
For a minute, I thought about it. This would solve all my problems. Irena wouldn’t have to work so hard. Chris could get back into Excelsior Prep with his friend. It’ll be like nothing had ever happened. I could even be the president of the BMC bank.
“You should think higher than that.” He said. “You could own that bank if you want. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line.”
In a flash, there was a roll of parchment paper in his hand. He held it out to me along with a pen. As I reached for it, I suddenly felt the chill of a cold gust of wind.
“Stop right there!!” A voice said. “Do not sign that!”
As I dropped the contract, an older gentleman dressed in red stepped between us. Mr. Scratch looked and him and rolled his eyes in frustration.
“Oh no!” Scratch said. “Not you!”
“Yes you dirty old thief.” The gentleman said. “It’s me here, and I’m here to stop you from taking another innocent soul under your hellish wing.”
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You don’t remember?” He looked at me with surprise in his eyes. “We were such good friends when you were a kid. You sent me all those letters and never once did I slip up and bring the wrong gift. You always got what you wanted. I’m one of your oldest friends. I’m Santa Claus”
“What?” I looked at him confused. He frown and stepped in closer.
“Look around you.” He said raising his hands. “Don’t you know what season it is? It’s Christmas. The time for good cheer and peace on Earth.”
“Oh go blow it out your hole!” Scratch said with an annoyed look. “There is no peace on Earth. You grab what you can and kick the other guy out of your way.”
“Is that how you feel Jason?” He looked at me over his spectacles.
“That’s not the same boy that caroled for three years and worked so hard at the clothing drives. I know the real you. The passionate one.”
“Santa Claus?” I said in surprise. “Is this real? Are either of you really here or am I just having a dream?”
“Sign this and nothing he says will matter.” Scratch held out the contract. “You can be the king of your own world.”
“And what about his family?” Santa said. “Will you take care of them too? Will you grant Irena and Chris their wishes to?”
“Sure I will.” Scratch said. “All they have to do is sign with me and they can be kings and queens too. They can have any dream they want. For a price.”
“Yes.” Santa said to me. “Any dream the want until the contract is due. Then you all go to hell. Is that what you want for your family? To suffer with them in hell. Don’t you think they deserve better?”
I looked at the contract in my hand. It was so tempting. If I sign I can write my own ticket. I could own an airline, or a string of banks. I could be the richest man in the world. Then I looked into Santa’s blue eyes. I saw Irena and Chris in a firer cavern naked being raped by Demons.
“It doesn’t matter. Scratch whispered in his ear. “It’s all going to happen anyway. Why not enjoy it while you can.”
“Noooooo!!” I threw the contract in Scratch’s face. “You can’t have them! That’s my family and I have to protect them! Take you contract and go to hell!!”
As I screamed at him, Scratch started to change. He went from the slick dressed man in the zoot suit, to a demon with horns, a forked tail and hooves. Behind him I saw the cavern of fire and tortured souls. I could feel the flames of hell blasting heat at my face. It looked like Scratch was going to take us down to his blasted hole radiating out at me. Just then, Santa came and stepped in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. Suddenly I knew everything would be alright.
“You’ve lost another one Scratch.” Santa said as he pushed me behind him to keep me safe. “Why don’t you just give up and go back to your dark, dirty underworld were you belong. There’s nothing for you here. You will never stand against the Christmas spirit.
“I’ll go.” Scratch said frowning. “But I’ll be back. There’s a great big world out there and you can’t protect them all!”
In a great flash of fire and smoke, Mr. Scratch vanished leaving nothing behind except the echoing sound of his laughter.
With Scratch gone, I turned to Santa with big sad eyes. If he hadn’t stopped me, I would have signed his contract.
“No.” Santa said with a smile. “I know you were tempted, but you would have thought of your family and that would have stopped you. You don't have an evil bone in your body.”
“No.” I said. “Not evil, but I am a pathetic loser who can’t even keep a job to fed his family.”
“No." Santa said as he patted me on the shoulder. “Losing you job wasn't your fault, Scratch took it from you. But moving on is up to you. What you do from here on is your choice. You just need a little help from a friend.”
He stuck his hand into a pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to me. I took it and read the name on it.

Mark T Randle and associates.
Employment Services.
555 675 2112.
Stonington Maine.

“This is a friend of mine.” Santa said. “You can trust him. He’ll give you a fair shake.”
“I don’t know how to thank you.” I said through tears of joy. “I won’t let you down.”
“I’m not worried at all.” He said as he started to fade away as he backed away into the storm. “Just tell Mark I sent you. And one more thing.

1 comment:

  1. this story came from a challenge to write a Christmas story. it took 24 hours to write.
